hey everyone! I’m so glad you clicked on this video! I really hope you enjoy it…I spent quite a bit of time on it. But the most …


  1. Check out my YouTube channel. I am a missionary in the 1040 Window (where the last of the unreached nations and people groups in the world are) and I love sharing Gods word. I've been stoned, chased out of a city by a muslim mob, even been jailed for the sake of the gospel. I am a spirit-filled believer that has a heart for evangelism, discipleship, and teaching for the edification of the Body of Christ and for the winning of Souls! I am not a "Christian Lifestyle" YouTuber. The videos you find on my channel are EMPOWERING and they are EFFECTIVE tools for edification, ministry, and growing in God. YouTube.com/c/reconciliation

  2. Word of advice: put no great stock in celebrity christians or ones on pedestals, they always seem to fail in one way or another. They go from being "on fire for God" to "please pay me to keep this ministry going".

    On a personal note: consult the word before these youtubers on spiritual matters. Communicate with christians that do not follow influencers (elders, pastors).

    Finally: Be mindful of your daily walk. And I mean Daily. (Forgive the saltiness) I am getting sick and tired of seeing young people like you fall into such obvious traps. By the time you're 20 you are a fornicating, alcohol soaked, sjw. Dazed, jaded and confused, who questions God at every turn. And for what? To be normal? Individuality? I can't even begin to tell how many I've seen fall down. Spirit war is real, prepare for it.

    Christianity is not an individual's quirk, it's not a fashion statement, it is not a business, it is not building, it is NOT a moral high ground for which self-righteous hides to win stupid arguments.

  3. I'm 12 and I live in South Africa and I'm glad that someone in my age group has pride and faith in Jesus Christ.I wanted to watch this video so I can start my journey in Christianity and it gave me a good boost,most of my friends are interested in TikTok and what's trending and peer pressure was eating me away but I didn't allow it to get the best of me. Thank you for spreading the gospel and sharing your faith. I want to start a new healthy, spiritual, educational journey and be Me and I could use some of your habits to keep me on track. Hallelujah Jesus Christ 😌😌

  4. Hey I just wanted to let you know that the peace sign is actually an upside down and inverted cross, it's also related to occult practices and it doesn't actually symbolize peace but is a blasphemous sign showing that you have rejected Jesus Christ so please don't do it and turn away from doing any wrong hand symbols, I just hope that you know that I mean no hate but rather a good intention to tell you the truth and not any evil and I hope you have a good day-God bless you.


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