Our world is changing so fast, but did these christian movies foretell what is happening right now. Check it out Get the latest …


  1. That's excellent, Mike. It's important for Christians to hear about the possible ways the end unfolds. None of us can be certain exactly what will happen and when. Make mental notes of these possibilities. Don't get stuck on one. Remember that what will happen is going to somehow fool even the elect. My hope is that we all see this unfold from the safety of heaven.

  2. Impressive:
    Hopefully your eyes cross this: the best movie I’ve seen on the subject matter as to which you speak was around 74.
    I remember it touching me deeply but I was only 14 at the time, the main thing that stands out is at the end rather than take the mark a teenage girl jumps into a lock and dam and meets her fate, this movie changed my life in a lot of ways.

    I want other eyes to see it, so I write this.

    I apologize for not knowing the title but it was so many years ago.


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