This week we are remembering the legacy of Billy Graham and his contribution to the world of Christian film. You may not know, but his production company World Wide Pictures has been making feature films with the gospel message since the 1950s

Last Flight Out


The Prodigal

The Climb

The Hiding Place

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:42:40. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Right off the bat, all these sound much more gripping than most of the Christian movies I have heard reviewed on Movienight. They sound really, really watchable.

  2. I was very pleased as a film collector to purchase a “low fade” 16mm print of “The Prodigal”which is an excellent film. What makes this film special to me is that Billy Graham is in this film. Plus this 16mm print was probably at one point shown either in a theatrical setting or in churches as well. What makes this film so special to me is that because of this actual film print I have, people accepted Christ after watching this film. So not only is the film an excellent one but my film also led people to accept our Lord and Savior. To come forward to accept HIM. So this film print might very well be the most important film in my entire 16mm film collection. People will be in heaven because of my film. Incredible thought!!!

  3. I’m a former employee of World Wide Pictures. “Joni” is pronounced “Johnny”, as repeatedly mentioned throughout the movie. You must have not watched it for you to miss that.


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