Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:39:49. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Hey could you please pray for me? I’m dead and need to be resurrected in Christ, but so far, the world and my body are keeping me dead. Thank you very much

  2. You are a new creation. All things are made new. The old things are gone. Every part of you is now of God. It’s only a matter of growing into the fullness of Jesus.

  3. @Craftman368 What you need to know is if you have asked Christ in your heart, your body or the “flesh” that is holding you back is ALREADY dead. Rom 6 tells us that it was crucified with Christ, you just don’t know it yet.

    Rom 6 tells us to “reckon” ourselves dead to sin. That is you ignore it and it’s wicked desires. You have the ability to do this. The other thing to do is get your spirit strong. Read and speak the word, as you do you will notice strength come.

  4. Querido Todd el pueblo de habla hispana necesita, por favor, tus videos traducidos.Deseamos escuchar tus enseñanzas …Te amamos y deseamos más bendiciones a tu vida y ministerio !! Gracias-


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