"Tithing has opened up doors that man could never open." Couple goes from Food Stamps to Wealth

Married and Young Ministry founders Jamal & Natasha Miller have come a long way. From living on food stamps, to running a 7 …


  1. Oh dear – way to encourage people in financial difficulty to be wreckless and deceived by prosperity preachers. Wolves in sheep's clothing pointing people to money instead of Christ because that's what occupies their hearts.

  2. Tithing is a beautiful Faith principle, by not tithing to the Lord we are in fact robbing Him. He gives us Everything!! He is so faithful if we obey. Read Malachi Chapter 3 , Verse 10" Tithe is a commandment to be blessed both spiritually & temporally. Those who neglect this commandment are breaking God's commandments are in condemnation.

  3. Life is not all about having children, wealth and possession rather life is All about where you are going after here on earth, so live your life as though you don't have tomorrow that will help you live at peace with God and men, someday you will be right. Thank you

  4. Are they tithing all the titheS the Bible teaches? The Bible teaches 3 tithes, 10%, 10%, and 10% every 3 years which add up to 23.3%. Not just 1. 🌾🌿🥒
    Numbers 18:21-32

    Deut 12:6-17

    Deut 14:28-29

    That's why in Malachi 3:10 (that is most often quoted by pastors to teach tithing) – it says titheS, not tithe.


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