www.barbsteinberg.com I try to talk to my daughter, but she won’t engage… I hear it all the time from parents…they are doing their …


  1. After having three boys, my daughter was my helpful, outgoing adventurous little girl and we were very close. Now once you turn 14 and social media became so popular it's hard to protect what mood she is in, if she's going to communicate today or not. And now she clarified to me that she wants to identify herself as a tomboy that still remembers he wants to be a girl. It's so hard to figure it out it makes me sad..

  2. So when you say: “I know that the love is there, they may not show it” can you give me an example of HOW you see that the love is there? Are you just being a hopeless optimist or are there really signs that the love is there?

  3. I need advice!!! I'm a mother to a very independent and beautiful 14 yr old. She can go about days sometimes weeks without talking to me, she will ask others for "favors" as in to pick her up, or feed her dog and will not come to me. I feel very hurt and I'm stuck. I dont know how to approach her without letting her know how hurt I feel and then turning into a guilt trip. I don't ground her, or yell at her. I try to give her her time and not bother her but she just keeps getting further and further away from me.

  4. * Don’t interview for pain
    * They still love me 😢
    * Show “genuine” interest
    * Communicate what I want from our next interaction with an open heart
    * Give them complete power for a brief moment to decide when to open up
    * Remember the foundation I set in early childhood
    * Go get the book

    Thank you for the advice. I will let you know how this goes.

  5. Can you make a video of how to deal with a teenage sister ? I think I am not doing well being the bigger sister, and maybe it's because I have many problems within myself that I don't want her to have

  6. I have a teenager just give them they space they will come talk to you but People tell me I shouldn’t be her friend but she tells me everything yes and I rather her talk to me then talk to the wrong person and they give her the wrong advice

  7. I’m a mother 24 seven 365 days a year my daughter and me are friends but I’m still momma too always been when I get off from work I’m gonna get us some Popeyes chicken before I come home every time I go out I’m bringing her something back home lol that’s how my mother was with me she’s spoiled I love my daughter and she know that.. I got her back

  8. Me and my 12 year old daughter are going through this right now. She will be 13 in a month and iv noticed how much she has started pushing away from me and she is my only child and I am terrified of the only child I have may not want to be around or talk to me as she gets older. I know I'm jumping the gun bc she is a preteen but its still scary and I want to be the best mom I can be for her bc she is my everything and she is and always will be my only child. So I feel like I only have one chance at this to raise a respectful and honest person who is grateful for the little things. A big issue im dealing with right now is she has started hanging out with a group of kids at school who have money. So now she doesn't want them to come over here bc she is imbarriesd when before she always had her friends here and she never wanted to leave and stay anywhere else. She would get bad anxiety if someone asked her to stay the night and would end up saying no most of the time and if she said yes she knew I would pick her up anytime of the night if she got scared for any reason. But this past weekend she stayed 2 nights at a girls house who she had never stayed before and she lives in a gated community and everyone's houses are big and beautiful and it is normal for the parents there to allow their kids to walk around all over the place when at our place I am not comfortable letting her walk around our neighborhood like they did there. I have loosened up on that recently bc she is getting older and she has friends that live in our neighborhood and I know she walks with them to their house not far from ours but thats the only time I allow her to walk in the neighborhood is if she is going down to her friends house. I know I'm a strict mom but we have not lived in this Town or City for very long so it is all new to her and me. I don't know many people here like I did in our home town. But sorry got off track. When she stayed with her friend in the gated community the mom of the friend allowed both her daughter and mine run around anywhere they wanted. This is a pretty big community with 3 lakes. Its huge actually. I would have never allowed her to do that. Then come to find out my daughters boyfriend who she just recently started dating showed up at his friends house who was dating the other little girl and all 4 of them were swimming in the lake and walking around this big community not just a neighborhood bc there are multiple neighborhoods in this community. But my daughter lied at first when I picked her up about her boyfriend being there and told me all these fabricated lies but slipped up and mentioned him being there and that she did not know he was going to be there. I said where was the mom this whole time all 4 of yall were swimming in the lake and running around and she said she was driving by to check on them all the time. For me that does not matter bc that mom should have never allowed 2 boys to be alone with 2 girls that are 12 and 13 years old. I have not yet talked to the mom about this and I'm trying to find the right words to say to her and the right things to say to my daughter. Everything this other mom allowed them to do is and never would be ok with me. I know thats why my daughter tried to lie about her boyfriend being there in the first place but when she did finally tell me everything that happened and even told me that he kissed her over 7 to 10 times i was panicing on the inside but tried to be cool about it in front of her bc I was that age at one point and I didn't want her to close up on me and never want to tell me these things again. On the other hand I ended up haven a talk with her the next day with my mom there with me so I had backup so I didn't look like I was the only one saying the things that happened at her friends house was inappropriate and not ok for the other mom to allow them to be alone together. We told her 2 girls and 2 boys should never be in a lake swimming alone at their ages as well bc My daughter also told me that the other little girl was hanging onto her boyfriend in the lake and that they were kissing. We told her that behavior is not ok for girls and boys their age that its not even appropriate for teenagers to be doing those things. She came home today telling us that a girl in her gym class who is in 7th grade had a baby last night and my daughter was going on and on about how its the gym teachers fault that she went into labor way to soon. I said wait thats what you think is wrong with this picture. I asked her if the little girl was r** and she said no and I said for a little girl in 7th grade to have a baby at 12 years old is not a cool thing and is not ok or something to look up too. Idk if she was but when she was telling us about it she was smiling and saying its all ok bc the baby is doing ok. I said it is not ok at all that she had a baby when she is still a baby herself. I didn't call the other girl a baby obviously bc then my daughter would then take it as if I'm calling her a baby but I was definitely thinking it. I just really need advice on all of this and how to talk to her about this new best friend of hers and the mom allowing them to be alone with there boyfriends and the mom thinking its ok to not contact me or anything about any of it. I'm terrified of saying the wrong thing and my daughter along with most girls her age will only hear what they want to hear and when you tell them things they come back saying o so your never gona let me see my friend again when those words never left my mouth but to her thats all she is hearing. Help plz!!!!!

  9. My daughter is being abused in school and she doesn’t have any friends. As she says her classmates are all against her and someone is trying to be her friend they say some bad things about her so as a result she doesn’t have any friends also her sister says that they call her crazy. I don’t know what to do about her loneliness. She even doesn’t get along with her sisters too


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