Do you know why Adeboye is silent? Do we still have men of God who can accurately speak the mind of God regardless of personal gain, fear of losing friends and fear of death? In the Bible days prophets do not speak the minds of kings but of God and they were usually heavily persecuted. Adeboye's silence is understandable that he lost his manual for operation. He preaches messages that are soothing to the soul, his messages are dry of power and can not strike a cord in the heart of a lost soul. He is very diplomatic in dishing out prophesies. He is afraid to speak the truth so that he would not step on the toes of his benefactors. Tinubu is way wiser that him and if Tinubu had the same privilege that Adeboye had he would have become a better shepherd to his sheep. I am not surprise why he does not longer hear God as expressly as before. The making of Tinubu's wife as an ordained minister in his church was a clear mastee plan by Tinubu himself because of his ambition to become the Nation's president. Even when Tinubu visited RCCG, their media denied that Tinubu ever came but was later debunked by Tinubu's camp. He went to seek the blessings of the G.O and am sure he dropped an heavy brown envelope in the process. God has lost hope on this men and he has long time by-passed them. God left them with their big titles, big congregations and their big wealth.
God will depend on you in these our country Nigeria .Heal our Nation amen
Do you know why Adeboye is silent? Do we still have men of God who can accurately speak the mind of God regardless of personal gain, fear of losing friends and fear of death? In the Bible days prophets do not speak the minds of kings but of God and they were usually heavily persecuted. Adeboye's silence is understandable that he lost his manual for operation. He preaches messages that are soothing to the soul, his messages are dry of power and can not strike a cord in the heart of a lost soul. He is very diplomatic in dishing out prophesies. He is afraid to speak the truth so that he would not step on the toes of his benefactors. Tinubu is way wiser that him and if Tinubu had the same privilege that Adeboye had he would have become a better shepherd to his sheep. I am not surprise why he does not longer hear God as expressly as before. The making of Tinubu's wife as an ordained minister in his church was a clear mastee plan by Tinubu himself because of his ambition to become the Nation's president. Even when Tinubu visited RCCG, their media denied that Tinubu ever came but was later debunked by Tinubu's camp. He went to seek the blessings of the G.O and am sure he dropped an heavy brown envelope in the process. God has lost hope on this men and he has long time by-passed them. God left them with their big titles, big congregations and their big wealth.
Happy birthday Daddy.
These will not change the mind of God on His verdict while I wish the man of God, God's continuous leadership and all-round soundness.
May God forgive you
This headline ehn… It is well especially as some people did not even bother to listen/watch