Timeline of William Branham's Russian Prophecies

Timeline here: https://william-branham.org/site/research/topics/russia.


  1. I love that… no matter what happens he pretty much got all the bases. A lot of his prophesies are like that; vague enough and varying enough to come to pass in different world outcomes 😅

  2. Like the Oracle of Delphi, William Branham’s prophecies are ambiguous, that whatever happens it would seem to appear that he foretold it before they happened. I found it amusing that some of the FB posts that comes from message believers regarding the current situation in Ukraine are so contradictory and in exact opposites to each other, yet they’d say ‘amen’ to both statements even if logic would make the other false if either one of them is true. The cognitive dissonance is so great that they can’t see through the schizophrenic contradictions.


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