This will happen in Nigeria if pastor Adejare Adeboye fail to…..

Nigeria is sitting on top of a gun powder and if it should explode!!!!!!. #pastoradeboye, #mohammadubuhari …


  1. You have come again with you colo-mentality lunatic idiocy.

    Your Pastor Adwboye is absolutely inconsequential as far as the miraculous is concerned and so is your absolutely deranged version of fake Christianity.

    As a journalist you are an absolute failure and your diction is pathetic. I wonder how you survived as a journalist.

    You use of professional registers in terms of your articulation shows you are performing at junior secondary school level.

    You are a waste of space and a caricature of what real journalism and it’s professional ethos represents.

    You are a disgrace. Please spare us this idiotic brand of religion you are pushing.

    You and your religion are inconsequential in the forward movement of the Nigerian society and humanity at large.

    I hope you don’t take this the wrong way🤣👍

  2. Only a delusional would publicly advocate that the fate of over 200 million people is connected to the actions or inactions of a discredited false prophet and manifest fraud.

    When next you see Adeboye ask him if it ethically permissible and in consonance of the articles of association connected with the non-profit charter of his Non profit, for him to take offerings supposedly dedicated to the work of God and transform this into a for-profit money making endeavor god which no tax is remitted to the commonwealth of the people.

    I know this caliber of reasoning might be to advanced for you, but there it is.

  3. Do you understand the meaning of the term ecumenical? This is why I tell you are a complete idiot.

    The term ecumenical is all embracing and it does not specify any arbitrary boundaries in terms of it’s devotional ambit.

  4. You are such a shallow minded thinker. When you had eight years of Obasanjo and about 6 years of Goodluck did you write this your stupid letter to your GO?

    Listening to you I understand why Christianity is largely a crutch with which people limp through life with.

    Adeboye just realized Nigerians are suffering?🤣🤣

    The same Adeboye is rumored to be worth over $100 million. I don’t think he and his family are suffering in anyway.

  5. 1. Nigeria is NOT an Islamic state I would hope you would amend/address you ignorance in constitutional matters before assaulting your audience with your incandescent stupidity.

    2. Even if Nigeria was an Islamic state what attempts have your go-religionists made at employing constitutional means to address this issue?

    3. There are no miracles at the Redemption camp, neither are there miracles in other outposts of overt charismatic Christian rascality.

    The people who went to the moon and developed the society you are benefiting from did not wait for miracles.

    Please stop your nauseating whining🤣

  6. Regardless of my disposition towards you, you are right to critique Adeboye and the empty fraudulent Christianity that has contributed to the demise of Nigeria.

    Let me let you into a little secret, those people you idolize as prophets are frauds.

    Free your mind and take responsibility for your life.

  7. I could only stomach about half of this incredibly idiotic presentation. Just shut up with this your failed religio-occultism.

    You are pathetic IT, you were fooled into worshiping these religious charlatans.

    Please shut up and get a life🤣

  8. It's as if they are paid in thunderous billions to keep quiet as they watch the rest of us perish.
    Prophets of old are not known to make friends with political vampires except they themselves have become religious vampires.

    It takes a religious vampire as we read in scripture to make friends with political vampires.

    Prophet Balaam of the Old Testament was genuinely anointed by God but when a political vampire promised to give him billions with a mansion full of money if he'd just CURSE his own sheep and his own people Israel, without a second thought, he gladly accepted instantly and even helped the political vampires to destroy his own sheep and his own people Israel who died in their tens of thousands.

    That was how a genuine Prophet Balaam turned himself into a religious vampire.

    There are only very few pastors who are very small pastors in comparison who roar against the political vampires in power.

    But I give God all the GLORY for blessing Nigeria with the SIMPLY AMAZING Peter Obi, the ONLY CLEAN AND UPRIGHT incoming President with the superior COMPETENCE, CREDIBILITY, COURAGE, CAPABILITY, COMMITMENT, CAPACITY, CHARACTER, CARE and COMPASSION that'd turn Nigeria into the fastest DEVELOPED country of Dubai standard in 8 years.

    Nigeria desperately DESERVES to have A GOOD PRESIDENT, at least, for the FIRST TIME in 50 miserable years o.

    I give great kudos to the most evil president in Nigeria's history from APC, the satanic PMB, best friend of the evil BAT and the evil Atiku, whom God will definitely punish, for thoroughly and meticulously distributing poverty and brutal killings across all the political parties, across all the tribes, across all the regions, across all the ethnic Nationalities and across all the religious groups.

    So, let all Nigerians who are NORMAL humans and who are LIVING THINGS with LIVING CONSCIENCE be OBIdient and join this Divine Movement cum OBIdient revolution to SAVE Nigeria from the evil claws of the carnivorous political vampires in APC and PDP.

    Please protect your PVC at ALL COSTS so you can vote the simply amazing Peter Obi. Vote Labour Party all the way for a NEW NIGERIA. This is because all the most competent and compassionate Nigerians have been attracted into the great and patriotic Labour Party by the SIMPLY AMAZING Peter Obi.

    Na for our own good ooo!
    Na for our own good ooo!!
    Na for our own good ooo!!!

    Na for our own good ooo…!!!

    Arise O Compatriots…!

  9. Sister Itunu thank you very much for this piece. You had said the whole truth and hit the nail on the head. Our Christian leaders in this Nation had sold all us to slavery so that we cannot open our mouth to confront any Muslim. See what happened to Deborah. Which Christian dare touch any Muslim in this country. All our leaders are after wealth for themselves and their generations unborn. They don't care what happens in Christiandom. The Lord Himself will hear our cries and descend on them with His flaming sword. MARANATHA.

  10. You people are the ones deceiving yourselves, adeboye is not deceiving himself, he knows he doesn't have any authority or anointing of God to tell buhari or anyone for that matter that he would die in seven days if he doesn't do anything.


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