This new Disney movie is SATANIC… Christian Reaction! SATAN just showed himself and Christians don’t see it… Reaction!


  1. We need to make all that this is child abuse and manipulating a child all directly in contrary to the belief of the parent who do they think the parent is I'll tell you what your rainbow freaks aren't going to determine that you're teaching people unnatural ways intentionally! Contrary to how the parent wants their child raised😊

  2. Born again Christians see this and immediately know God is doing this

    Do not be deceived God will not be mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that he shall also reap

    I loudly proclaim the highest praise to the highest holiest Sovereign Lord God Almighty demonstrating his holy sovereignty and showing his Almighty nature


  3. Honestly, I don't think they are interested in making money at this point. I think they are playing the long game. If you think about it, the indoctrination they do means that the generations to come will readily accept it and THAT is when they will make their money. When those they have indoctrinated grow up and pay their own bills they will already be onboard because of all the indoctrination they received as kids. They see the way the culture is going, and I don't think they are interested in the money of the adults that pay subscriptions today, I think they are priming the NEXT generation so they can make their money then. This seems like an attempt at the long game.

  4. A side note…and I hate it because I love goats they are such remarkable creatures that the Lord made, and like everything Satan has perverted that. But something I have only recently caught onto is the subtle goats in things that are demonic. They make them look innocent and playful like the little goat with the deep voice. I may be reading too much into it, but it is just a little thing I've noticed that seems intentional to me. I watched the trailer and yeah… surprises there, this is bad!

  5. All Disney productions have been Satanic. Disney was a 33rd degree Freemason. Their god is Lucifer, the 'bringer of light', Isaiah 14:12-14. Disney productions have filled their movies and cartoons with sex perversions, demonic symbols and hidden wickedness from the their beginning.

  6. You know, now I'm on the verge of believing that Disney should just shut down entirely. And just SAYING that is tragic. I was following Disney for several years and was a fan of them for a long time. But now that Disney is pushing out all this lgbt crap, all this indoctrination, all these agendas; I just can't and won't support therm anymore. Unless there is a 0.1% chance of Disney just removing all of the lgbt, indoctrination bullcrap, I am not going to fund for Disney's wicked schemes to utterly destroy both children and adults. It really is sad that a company which was hailed as a great and powerful empire, (in which they had a good reason to be so popular in the first place) to just utterly fall down over the course of years like the medieval empires of old. And if these people don't come to repentance, they'll have to suffer an even worse fate than even Sodom and Gomorrah did.

  7. I’m a hard core scientist and I am smart enough to know that Christ is real. And science does say we are stardust. And God made the laws of science, of course. So it appears we are made of star dust. But implying that looking for answers in the heavens, which is our inherent spiritual yearning for Christ, is because we’re star dust, is evil. We are not stars, we are God’s creatures, who made us. Christ is our super star.

    Neil DeGasse is just like many scientists blessed (cursed?) with a high IQ. They think they know it all and reject God and Jesus. If they were smart enough they would take those intellectual steps into the unknown, God’s creations, and realize that there is so much more we don’t understand.

  8. Well doesn't surprise me with Disney Land now loving the transvestites and thinking that the transvestites are the now normal over the straight people so it's no shock when they are also for the Devil and the Devil's ways .


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