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  1. I loved the movie! I’ve been following Angel Studios as they promoted and previewed the movie for many months, so I was anxious to see it. I was like you, there was no time when I wasn’t completely captured by what was happening. I highly recommend it and can’t wait to see it again soon.

  2. Good critique but WHY, WHY, WHY do Christian commentators keep showing the same actor when they talk about Jesus? Do not make idols! YOU are creating and idol. That right there crosses you off my list to listen to what the Bible says.

  3. I personally don't think we should be creating or consuming "Christian fiction". This is just the beginnings of the great apostasy that we might be seeing in the near future. The church will be like the Laodicean church, spoken of in Revelation 3:17 – "Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:" — I think it's ok if Christians want to work on entertainment, but Christian movies should either be straight up historical or biblical (which also happens to be historical). We don't want to become like the world. Combining these two will blur the lines, and soon, no one will know the truth of the Bible.

  4. Just another wordly movie. Whoever makes himself a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. If you really want to know God's word about the book of Job, read it. There's so many people looking for wordly pleasure in entertainment it is often times idolatrous.

  5. I watched it today. It was good. Almost great; a little better editing in preproduction / scripting, and a higher budget, would have taken it to the next level.
    The acting was excellent (better than "Unplanned", otherwise the superior movie) as was the cinematography.

  6. My 23 yo daughter and I just saw this tonight. We both thought it was fantastic. I think she and I have in common that we are both pretty good at suspending disbelief to get into movies. So going in, not knowing much, but that it was supposedly based on Job or maybe just "loosely based" on the book of Job we were able to just roll with all the differences and appreciate a really great good vs evil storyline with a lot of interesting takes and surprises. I loved their use of lines of scripture, very evocative, very effective!

  7. I saw this in the theater tonight. I felt that it helped me identify some of the strategies that the Enemy uses on me and that was helpful. I thought that it was a quality effort. Some of the multiverse things had hole plots, but I can overlook those inside of a story. I agree a series or multi movie run would give more time to build the characters and universe(s). I agree that it was loosely inspired by Job, not actually based on him. Biggest problem I had was the message in the credits. The actor goes backward on the gospel by saying, "there's a little good in all of us, and we are not the total of all our worst moments" (I am wildly paraphrasing) I thought the message was going to be a call to action to consider the Biblical truthes of the movie and respond to God. The actor ended up asking for support for the movie. I don't mind at all that he asked for the support, but his message was a missed opportunity to confirm the gospel. I may be reading into it, but I felt like that credit roll sement was not helpful at all. Hope most people miss it.

  8. Be careful church… the multiverse theory has been proposed by atheist evolutionists to get around the insurmountable problem of fine tuning which requires a Creator.
    Satan doesn't care that you believe in God or Christ… so does he. What the enemy doesn't want you to do, is believe every word of God's Word… VERBATIM. Multiverse non grata…

  9. I have watched the Angel Studios 20 minutes version of this and even though I did enjoy it, I am left asking — Didn't God create the heavens and the Earth (singular)? I am left asking is the whole concept of Multi-Universes a distraction of Satan himself? Satan lies, manipulates and deceives. He doesn't need to 'shift' people to do all that.


  11. I ain't gonna lie, I hadn't heard about this until I saw it posted at the theatre and then I read the synopsis and Sean Austin and it was immediately on my list.

    You saying it's Christian based?

  12. So this is another Insidious, where the critics could not get past the Christian message to see the great acting and filmmaking(although to be fair, there were a couple moments in Insidious where it was too on the nose), but the audience will love it. What do film critics even add to our culture anymore?

  13. Yesssss, I agree with the comment about Job. I was trying to figure out how his story fit what was happening and so it does seem like a stretch to say it’s a modern retelling. If they didn’t say that about it, I don’t think the average person would have put the two together. Having said that though I still liked the movie. They did more than most films do with a smaller budget. A lot of smaller budget films seem poorly put together, but this one showed everyone came and did their best despite the budget constraints. As one of the Angel investors it’s exciting knowing my very small contribution helped get it made and now playing on the big screen.

  14. This film's quality was all over the place. The special effects and action sequences were excellent, but the parts inbetween often dragged, due to an overabundance of unnecessary flashbacks that would have been better as more linear storytelling. Don't get me wrong; this is a far better film than many overtly Christian ones that have come before. However, there were some serious pacing problems, especially with the beginning. A flashback AND a voiceover to start the film? The two biggest Hollywood no-nos in one place! "Show, don't tell" was clearly missing from this plot.

  15. Anything coming out of the entertainment industry is demonic. On the surface it may have a Christian appearance but it’s occult and demonic on so many levels. If you been around long enough and really have spiritual eyes open you dont even have to watch the movie to know what you are getting into. It really is like in the days of Noah. There is no purity out there. It’s all soaking with evil messaging and influence. Even the seemingly good is pure evil. It’s an evil evil industry.

  16. you humans are hilarious. you turn everything into something. its just a movie. just a movie made so a director couold make money. then you think you got to discuss it and debate it after. its just a movie, it is not real. go help the widows and the orphans ios all God asks us to do


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