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  1. Greetings to the maker of this movie, i am disappointed to see a African movie made by Africans portraying Christ as European. If you are true Africans you should be portraying him as African because that's his ethnicity. Europeans portray him to suit their agenda. Black people don't have an agenda, but they do that is why the earth is in a disarray today. We are the truth and so we must portray the truth. IT was never God's intention that we black people be subjected to the will, ideology, imagination or fantasies of other races. Come out of your mental slavery like brother Bob Marley said.

  2. The scriptures spoke about children leading us since the devil want to steal kill and destroy to me it means that children should be supported both spiritually and physically seeing that they don't know how to take care of themselves there are many children who are living in disadvantaged situations and are born to parents who doesn't have a clue how to deal with such


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