As many parents know, turning off a child’s gaming console in the middle of gameplay is a surefire way to trigger a tantrum.


  1. yeah this video is just dumb….. I haven't even played games for like 2 week now and I can say that this is dumb…
    This isn't even about video game addiction. Its about some dumb people having too much time on their hand and so bored that they couldn't wait for their kids to finish their games and being sadistic and enjoying their anger on you. Then, you record them and show to the internet so that people will justify your actions…
    I'm COMPLETELY on the kids side based on the video…

  2. 0:24 that's a wrong instances you have there pal… You should not be comparing "spending long hours on the game you love trying to get an incredible achievement" to just a mere "books" or "legos"… If anyone spends a long time on something and you just deletes everything, I think everyone would have the same reaction… People don't understand that sometimes some achievement requires long hours of continued winning to get, to close it off during his last game is just sickening.
    Imagine if you close an unsaved coding project that someone did for 8 hours long and taking a phone to record his anger saying he's addicted to coding…

  3. 0:35 laugh more you sadistic fk… I've been saying for a long time now man, I'm never having a child if they're gonna experienced this stupidly fked up world that we live in right now… If there's even a single chance they could get corrupted and be like this sort of person makes me wanna die

  4. 0:52 Genuinely felt bad for this kid… Welp but that's how kids learn I guess, he'll now learn that people are sadistic and will learn to cope with "adults" in life. Until they grow up at least, but lots of potential will have already been robbed off him by the time he grows up.
    Applaud for him to not instanly grab something and smash it into their face tho, real mature.


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