In this video I share with you a Christian animation called: THIS IS WHY YOU SEE SO MUCH MADNESS IN CHURCHES …


  1. This is indeed what is taking place and it's really a lot…we need to intercede for the church. But I'd like to understand the head covering situation. In the denomination that I attend, it's married women that cover their heads and not the unmarried girls like myself. Can I get clarification please.

  2. Very sad, I think that is why a lot have fallen away from the faith and/or perfer to stream church services vs attend in person. I know that turn to your neighbor, or look at someone and tell them such and such really got on my nerves. Many will be deceived when all the miracles start really happening.

  3. I am so happy to testify that God has helped me stay pure from sexual sin (fornication)for 9 good months ,purity is so rewarding .I used to have these funny smells and stomach pains now they are all gone ,gone gone . I feel good ,I smell good and Im always in good health .Praise be to God 😊😊

  4. We found a good church 4 years ago..we are new cresens plus work .we usealy went every other week..i lost my only son.insted of going the bad way i found Jesus well he found me.i was going to do some bad things after he passed.long story short .we were new and growing.not marred yet but planed on doing so.started clening up sin after sin.well 1 day we went to church.there was a man there i never seen before.he was super nice.i did not trust him right off the start.becouse of loosing my son.thay often layed hands on me my girl going up with me.yes i lived a sinful life but was clening it up.but this pertuler week this man was there.he was already in only 1 week i wasent there was setting with the congestion.he went on stage to play and sing with them.thay called me up to lay hands on me.that week went bad the rest of the week.i pegged him in the 1st 5 seconds he also tuch my girl when laying hands on me .there 3 arguments during service that week. I also waited around after church. I wanted to talk to some of the people to have relationships with them outside the church. So I could be around God's people. They were too busy and they're arguing after church I finally left. We never went back again. I am the reason that we went to that church cuz I have a friend who goes there. The holy Ghost was in that church before the guy came . The pastor called my wife twice in the next few weeks. One time he said to have me drop her off. Why wouldn't he want me there. I'm the reason we went there because of my friend. The next week he called her and asked if you can pick her up. Again why wouldn't they want me there. I think it was because the holy Ghost was stronger with me and a woman is the weaker vessel. Not always but in this case God was with me comforting me because of my loss. She love my son as well we've been together for a while. She is not his mom. But loves and misses him just the same. It really turned her off she was more Christian than I was. She knows more about the Bible than I do to this day. Yet she relapsed. She backslid. She stopped reading the Bible she stopped praying she started doing drugs. Started lots of arguments with me. Me and her do not get along at all we are in the process of splitting up. We have lost our house twice the same house I managed to get it back. But this time we have to move someone bought it. I have no time left to move I have no work to go she has nowhere to go we have no money. My work has slowed down a lot my boss is treating me very badly and so are my co-workers. I can't get anywhere especially with her. She is wrecking my life and hers as well. I prayed a lot for her and still do she never come back she gets worse every day. I still have faith I still pray I'm starting to listen to Christian music starting to read the Bible more. But I am at a dead end I am out of time and out of money. I know I have to get away from her for god to help me. I'm still not a perfect Christian but my luck has been very bad my car has not passed a check for a few years now. Every time I try to make it to Bible study or church something always happens. Even if it's over sleeping. I don't know what to do I just keep trusting in God and keep trying to be a better Christian and a better person. I am not a full Christian yet I will stop in my tracks. Felt myself getting lukewarm and started heating up again. That's when things started getting really bad about a year and a half ago. Because I guess it also affected me by him laying hands on me that I also grew lukewarm. I have been to Bible study but I have not been back to church yet. I have another church to go to I have not made it there yet. I haven't been the Bible study in a long time. Something always stops me. Not to mention that having no money and my car not having tags all the time. I have till the 1st of the year. I have to be out I'm not even close to being moved yet. She is making things worse reckon the house arguing with me doing drugs. House is dirty I can't even pack there's no room. I don't know what to do except keep trusting in God. And I am still falling short here and there. And I did something bad last night that I am ashamed of that I have not did for a very long time. I just couldn't stand it no more. I love you Jesus and I am so sorry for my sins I asked you to wash my sins in your blood. I usually don't like to post for people to pray for me. Cuz it seems that more evil people pray against me then people pray for me when I do. So I'm not really asking for prayers. I just want to let everybody know that what you just seen really does happen. And has happened to us. It was a really good church too. My friends still goes there he's the one I go to Bible study with with different people really good people. But I have not made it there in a while. I should have never let that guy lay hands on me I did not know he was going to go up there with the congregation. But I should have known better. Listen to the holy Ghost speak to you have discernment or this can happen to you. God help me in Jesus name and the power of the holy Spirit amen. Be careful everyone the devil is very tricky and so is his dominions. And his human agents witches and warlocks. Is someone new pops up in your church like this. And in such a short time has grown friends with the congregation. And the church people and is up on stage and is laying hands on people and your hardly even know the guy or the woman. Beware this might be a agent of the devil. As them for their testimony. Everybody has a testimony of how they came to Christ. If they stumble stutter or don't have one or if it sounds like it's made up. Rebuke them pray against them and try to have them removed from the church. And tell the pasture or pastures to have better discernment. Especially if it's a female.


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