Good day, Welcome to Emeka Anslem’s YouTube Channel. Emeka Anslem is an inspirational teacher saddled with the …


  1. But sir it is the preaching about hell fire and rapture that gives you the consciousness of heaven…not prosperity sir….AND HEAVEN IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF EVERY BELIEVER… THAT'S THE ESSENCE OF CHRIST DEATH SO WE CAN BE RAPTURED

  2. Living faith is not the only church in the body of Christ. God has many other to preach hell and rapture. Every man has his specific calling and assignment. We shall all be rewarded according to our calling and assignment.

  3. This is totally incorrect and very misleading! Why then do you call yourself a preacher? There is no precedent or anywhere in the new testament that anyone was called to preach a 'specific assignhment.! The bible clearly stated ''Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the WHOLE MESSAGE of this Life.”
    Even Jesus Christ himself in his very own words told his disciples and Christians the same thing! And not the least of all, the Book of Revelation that is mainly concerned with the issues of heaven and hell also specifically demands the preaching of the subject of heaven and hell when it stated ''Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.'' Revelation 1:3. And the 'prophecy' and' things written in it' are mainly regarding the subject of heaven and hell!

    It is clear that all of this is for no other reason but for the fact that it is the main purpose for which God Himself sent Jesus to the world – to create a way of escape from hell fire for those who believes in him. How then can a preacher claimed that he is called by God and he has no business preaching about hell? If your members don't know about hell and how to avoid going there, how then are they supposed to know the way to heaven?

    No wonder many people and most pathetic, including members of the Winners Chapel themselves continued to criticize the lack of character and ungodly behaviour of their members and especially their pastors! What is the sense in preaching about the things of this life where your life is as short as a spark of light from a bonfire that went up in the sky only for a moment and is extinguished for ever as compared to eternity!
    No wonder the bible warned ''If in this life only we have hope in Christ, then we are of all men most miserable'' 1 Cor.15.19!

    Some gave the excuse that he is only speaking to pastors as if it matters who he is speaking to. Actually, this is very starnge because the subject of hell is a fundamental and central theme that runs across not only Christianity but all the known religions in this world including those that are not even sure of finding the way to heaven! Now for a Christian to say he wasn't 'sent' to preach the subject is baffling since there is no single example or precedent in the whole bible! All the messages from Genesis to Revelation is 'repent or perish'!
    Incidentally, Abioye forgot to mention those who are 'sent' to preach the subject or the name of their churches!

  4. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lost his sole. Just an encounter of hell message I watched on YouTube changed my mind to leave sin and be committed to Jesus Christ. Please our goal is to make heaven else hell is real.

  5. This pastor does not understand the message of heaven and hell.
    This is so sad to watch and hear.
    If the world does not hear the message of hell or heaven. What is our Christian message. Please sir read your Bible again. Thanks for message.

  6. Hmmmmmmm, i agree with you sir, but the interpretation of those Bible quoted was not aline with base on way you explain it sir. That is my view anyway. But i agree one may have particular call and all our call must leads one to God kingdom.

  7. If you do not preach on rapture and on hell,then it is not God who sent you but Satan to draw soul to follow him to hell.l am sorry to say you do not know the word of God

  8. What about those who don't know about rapture and hell fire and are in the church.
    How will they know if they don't hear?.
    I believe the totality of the word of God be preached. Then emphasis can now be on the calling.


  10. Those to whom this message was sent to perfectly understand, those who have no idea will analyse. The Lord help us to understand. The core of this message is to focus on the message given to you. Hell and rapture is not the main message of Christianity because we are not expected to be left behind. The focus is to build a people with the consciousness of Heaven. MATTHEW 28:18. What Bishop said doesn't erase the fact that heaven and hell is real and Jesus Christ is coming again.

  11. …I sincerely respect our dear Pastor Abioye. However, it is expected that members of the Church will be taught ALL the WORD of GOD, including teachings on the fate of unsaved souls. Even if the audience are saved, they need for the purpose of emphasis be exposed to a well rounded teaching on every aspect of the Scriptures in a systematic way. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not shy away from teaching His early disciples the full-orbed truth. Rapture, hell fire and all others should still me taught. Not necessarily to scare members but at least, for their own sake and as Bible students; help others.

  12. No matter the calling you believe you are given, it's a must for you to preach against sin, preach about hell, rapture, salvation, righteousness, just like Christ did. The Lord Jesus says, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and loose he own soul?"

  13. Every true called man of God has a specific message God has instructed him or her to preach. That's where the anointing works more. You can digress to other parts sometimes but thats not your message from heaven

  14. And this is the reason why so many members have lesser knowledge about the scripture… As a Christian we ought to know the Bible from cover to cover.. Verse to verse. And chapter to chapter… If we don't preach about the rapture and 2nd coming of christ… Then how can we prepare the Saint for christ 2nd coming. How can they have d knowledge of d apocalypse. Sir pls let's re trace our pattern and help develop the consciousness of the believers and d body of christ

  15. The Bishop is missing it sir. The message of the Apostles tells us the message we should preach. Jesus is the only person that preached about hell more than all preachers.
    We cannot do otherwise!!


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