In this video I share with you a Christian animation called:THIS IS WHY A CHRISTIAN WOMAN SHOULD NEVER RUSH TO …


  1. I'm glad this video is being shared! I just wish it was out years ago. I was much like Cécile, wanting to get married since I was rapidly approaching my 30s. I ended up being targeted by the enemy. I met a guy who I thought to be my God given husband. He rushed me into marriage but because I didn't have a strong prayer life, I never heard a definite "No" from God. I thought that to mean yes. I married a man I later found out that was living a secret life as a gay man and only married me to use me to hide his truth and gain access to becoming a citizen in my country. I also later found out him and his family worshipped the devil and his mother had been practicing black magic on me to force me to marry her son so she could move to my country. I found myself in warfare I couldn't have imagined. The evil and jealousy directed towards me almost broke me. They were causing me to be in car accidents and people to treat me poorly no matter where I went or what I did. Yet, it still didn't dawn on me until I decided him or his family wasn't what I wanted and I still had time to throw them away and find my God give spouse. Once I attested that, I started back hearing a small faint but muted voice of God. But they weren't letting me go without a fight. I was being held against my will in that relationship and it had turned into violent threats if I left him. I called on the police thinking they would help but the witchcraft was soon used against me and I was treated as the criminal, despite being innocent. I was taken to jail barred on a lie that didn't even sound remotely true but Satan, at that point was using his soldiers to keep me oppressed. I only prayed that I could be free of him. I secretly went to a divorce attorney and paid a fee. I explained to her everything and how I needed to be out of this false marriage. After my life was flashed before my eyes with corrupt police officers, and I was released from imprisonment despite being innocent, my lawyer did an awesome job in the courts. Yet, that didn't stop his mother from sending witchcraft to my whole family and making us all sick with seemingly nothing. This man dragged the divorce out trying to get everything I owned and half of my income despite us not being married for 2 years, having kids or ever living together. I was released by the grace of God but have had to fight a false criminal record which again, by the grace of God, was dismissed after a full year of fighting it and showing proof I was still being harassed by this "husband". In the end, he got nothing from me but a temporary green card, a permanent restraining order and a whipping from God himself! This is a testament to all the women who may have found themselves in a narcissist abusive marriage because they rushed. God wants you to know you don't have to stay married to the principalities, demon filled individuals or anyone who wants to take over your free will. You can be delivered, there's still time you just have to call on the Lord to loose your chains and have faith. Strengthen your prayer life, be edified with the saints and never tell your oppressor what your next steps are! Grace be with you as it was with me! Praise God!

  2. This can happen with men also. Many good men have been fooled also by women, who have not the commitment to Christ. People are plastic in dating, when marriage happens the true colors show. But just to be fair, women can be just as deceitful as men. As they want security,and a home,so men should be just as cautious and seek the Lord.

  3. Most women are so desperate for marriage that they don't even have the time to inquire from GOD about the Men they're going to get married too, that's why they end up suffering in marriage 🤔

  4. 2023 years ago God sent his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the sins of the world
    the reason why that’s so important is because the wages of sin is death
    Wages meaning God had paid humanity in the death sentence for all the evil acts we have committed throughout the world for example Lying, Blaspheme, Envy, Lust and etc. because God is a holy righteous and Just God who hates sin

    Jesus said himself no one is good no one except God and the Bible declares that all have fallen short to the glory of God because of that we will all need Gods mercy and forgiveness on the day of Judgement

    God is Just but God is Love also so Loving that he doesn’t want to see any of his creation perish which is why he sent his only so Jesus down to take the wrath of God upon himself so we can be forgiven on the day of Judgment

    All you would have to do to get to heaven is believe in Jesus Christ except him into your heart as your Lord and savior and believe that God raised him from the dead three days later and once you do that Jesus will transform your heart from chasing after the things of the this world for example materialism that will perish and he will transform your heart to chancing after his will for you life and righteousness and this is very important because Jesus said himself not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven but the one who dose the will of my father who is in heaven (Repentance)

    Jesus loves you all so much!! <3

    To all the Christians who are reading this I want you to know that if you don’t tell someone the gospel and they are continuing to live in there sinful lifestyle there blood is on your hands

    You got this go tell them today!!

  5. I am fronvThe Bahamas where the pastor that marry me and my exhusband were never even counselled befor the wedding about God's Word on marriage and jeither wete my parents. I married into a family that practived witchcraft against me and my children for many years. Thank God that my trust and thirst for God snd His righteous way saved delivered healed restored and give us victory over all the powers of the enermy. Please keep teaching people by your videos. ❤ It.


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