This is what happens when mocking God and Christianity becomes a career… This just confirmed their demonic plan for the world …


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  2. It is not necessary in the United States of America to be upset Adam stortz or prohibit anyone speech they can say what they wish they have it as their right the good book says we are not to stand in the path of Sinners nor sit in the seat of scoffers

  3. The problem with trying to stop them or stopping them is you stop them from spreading his name. As long as they say his name it draws people to him. They CAN'T hurt the name of Jesus at all EVER. He said GOD shall not be MOCKED whatsoever they sow they shall also reap. Just hold on and watch!

  4. God loves all humans but He hates sin because sin destroy humans and sin will take them to hell, Jesus hates sin and He wants to save all sinners including the ladies from The View and all those shows that ridiculously mock God’s Word The Bible .

  5. Jesus didn’t die to protect sin but to save sinners from the consequences of sin , sin is taking sinners to hell and He wants to take all of us away from the consequences of sin in an eternal and horrendous hell.

  6. The movie needs to be removed. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for filming this movie and playing the roll in it. You know that's not the truth about Jesus. He was not gay. But a Loving man who Loved all and was very forgiving.

  7. YES!!! JESUS would be there at the PRIDE PARADE..
    TO CONDEMN IT !!!!
    AND THE CROWD.. ???
    Would SCREAM for his DEATH..
    A G A I N ..
    THANK YOU for your patience with us!!
    Wow patient a FATHER you are..


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