This is what happens when demons take over the church This will not end well…. Every Christian should watch this video They …


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  2. I just want to scream THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT ❤ THANK YOU JESUS ❤ I stop watching Td Jakes a few months ago, but before I stop sending money and watching every service from Sunday to Wednesday Bible study, I realized what he was preaching wasn’t working for me, well I would say it wasn’t for me, I had a talk with God and said “God this not for me” not knowing that the Holy Spirit was telling me he was a false preacher this before I had discernment the way I do now. That’s why I say I’m screaming to the top of my lungs Thank You Jesus, my spirit knew something wasn’t right with what Td Jakes was preaching.

  3. Matthew 10:8; Heal the sick, rise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive the demons . Freely you received, freely give. Micah 3:11; Her leaders judge for a bribe, her teachers teach for a price, and her prophets tel fortunes for money. Jeremiah 6:13; From the least to the greatest, all greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit . Isaiah 56:11;

  4. Have a question for you John and of course some statements also. God created the first man in his image, which is way before we as human race knew one day he will chose someone to have a chosen group of people through. Image is a outline of him, it's not detailed of color or height or weight, it just says man.

  5. I know that JESUS IS COMING SOON….look at all of the signs!! And I lnow that he wishes that nobody goes to hell, and I feel the same…EXCEPT….when these " so called, self proclaimed " teachers"…and " pastors" ..KNOWINGLY, I REITERATE, THEY KNOW THE TRUTH, THEY CHOOSE TO DISTORT IT AND LIE ABOUT IT, AND LEAD TENS OF THOUSANDS INTO THE PIT OF HELL…then I do not feel sad, or badly knowing that they are going to the lowest, of lowly places to suffer the worst of all…and THEY DESERVE IT!! JAKE'S, THE OSTEENS, COPELANDS, ETC, ETC, ETC.

  6. What many don't know is that both Jake's and Olsteen are both freemasons. And for Olsteen to say all he wants to do is help people, he showed his true colors when the opportunity happened and he did the opposite.

  7. Hard to admit, I was bewitched. I attended Hillsong South Africa for many years. I was saved prior, left my church on good terms, in my seeking I found Hillsong, I really liked what I saw with the HAF (Hillsong Africa Foundation) and that side of the church spoke to my heart for people, missions, evangelism. The way things were done in church I was not used to, the worship concerts, the messages, the 'sinners prayer', even communion. I questioned it, yet accepted (being bewitched) into thinking it is just different.

    In last year, I had a stirring in my heart, God was opening my eyes to what I was actually seeing. Being saved before attending Hillsong, allowed me to fill in the gaps of their messages, in a way that was aligned to the gospel. Yet, when I started to listen from the perspective of an unsaved person, it was totally different.
    The gospel they preach is rooted in prosperity, it sounds good to hear God wants the best for you, yet it is not the full gospel, and the best 'is twisted' in your desires / passions / wants, it is man centered.

    Many songs are man centered, related to the prosperity gospel doctrine they believe. Some I think are okay.

    The 'sinners prayer' leads to false conversions, an unsaved person will very rarely (if ever) hear about their Sin, the need for repentance, placing their trust faith in Jesus death on the cross, placing faith in Jesus resurrection and turning to a life in submission and gratitude to Jesus/God.

    Communion is not respected, it is not aligned to scripture, recently kids of every age (as young as 2) were provided with a plastic carton containing a juice and bread, like it was a lucky packet, and they kind of related it to Jesus death on the cross, the disdain of the sanctified ritual is disheartening.

    I cannot speak to HAF completely, somethings seemed good, I am concerned about the true message that is shared however, as the prosperity gospel is very rooted.

    I am certain that there are individuals like me who are saved in Hillsong, I know them, I have made Hillsong friends who are saved. I found my saved wife there, also saved prior to attending Hillsong. Yet we were both bewitched, and so are others. I was led to think that it is okay to not agree or understand everything the church is doing as the 'gospel' is being preached and young individuals lives are being transformed, yet many are false converts, due to a false doctrine, a god created in their image. Although I would think that there are those that truly searched for God and were saved.

    I do not wish to speak to gossiping matters, and will mention on a high level, the sin within the church, among the leaders and among their 'members' is not effectively dealt with or spoken into. There are an extremely large number of people who live sinful lives in opposition to the gospel, that no leader addresses from the pulpit, or is spoken into. This is extremely sad, as some of them would have prayed the sinners prayer, and believe that one day they will be in heaven because of it, not knowing that they are in opposition to God. This is not only evident in Hillsong, also in other South African churches.

    And truly surprising and disappointing to me is Mr Lentz, not only his fall, but everything he has said that is contrary to the gospel, I will quote (likely miss quote them, as I do not have the time to look it up) but he said, 'Jesus is a road marker..a way to God' (Oprah interview), 'abortion is something between you and God' (the view interview), "Rarely did Jesus speak about morality (Curic interview). To mention a view heretical, blasphemed and twisted doctrine.

    Brian Houston is similar, he mentions that 'the god of the muslims, allah, and our God, is the same' – A message he preached. He preaches prosperity, and says sin should not be a focus of preaching.

    Please take a look into it for yourself. You can check this youtube channel and others; Treasure Christ (previously reformedwiki), Fight for truth, what do you meme, Ruslan, Brylan Riggs, Mike Winger for a more indepth look at it.

    Last thought, please read the above as a matter of warning, if you are finding yourself in a church like hillsong, please find a church that professes the full gospel, its hard for me to write this, as I am not fully an outsider, I attended for years, please do the homework yourself and compare everything to scripture, God's Word. Test your own salvation and turn fully to God.

    In love

  8. Seems many pastor's have more concern to have a big congregation rather than speaking to the devil telling him to go!! In the name of Jesus. They don't want to offend people. When in reality, It would be Satan that they ar offending which they are called to do in Jesus name. Not entertaining the devil and demons. opening doors for them. which is what they are doing. If called if God they are called , to speak the truth in God's word. Jesus never hesitated to set Satan straight and cast out devil's. Never once was concerned about offending a person while doing so. Right is right, even if people don't agree. as is , Wrong is wrong even if people don't agree. God's word is the same yesterday, today and always. He loves unconditionally. all but despises sin…period.

  9. Romans AKJV Holy Bible

    (The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans)

    Category: Pauline Epistles

    Chapter 1

    24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

  10. What is wrong with these pastors!? (I use pastors loosely) God doesn’t compromise! Do you think he is kicking his foot in the dirt saying maybe I should or maybe I will listen to those pretend pastors in the church’s! NO! He is God! He will never change! We are to hear His words and walk His way, not our way. It’s not called me me me, it’s putting Him first, honoring Him, loving Him, hearing His words! It’s not easy, it’s not supposed to be, we are to give up our selfish wants and walk the way Jesus walked. If you can do that, you will receive riches in Heaven! Read your Bible. Don’t be blinded by the blind. Bless you and yours

  11. I used to really respect T.D. Jakes, until I watched this video of him putting his stamp of approval on the gay life style. That it was okay to bring that madness in God's House!!!! From that day I have never listened to this so-called man of God. They had been trying to ask him that question for years and he would never answer the question directly like a man of God should!!! Fast forward to that video and look how he just says it alright!!! Sad, Sad, Sad!!!!

  12. Church’s view isn’t the important thing it’s GODS view TD Jakes , Joel Osteen and every other church leader—- Gods view- you know what the Word says!!!!! It’s time for you to tell the people who listen to you, tell the truth.

  13. Reminds me of the churches that teach that God creates people for the purpose of burning in hell for eternity. As if that would bring Him glory. They are born reprobate with no option to repent and no desire. That is the definition or heresy and a false teaching

  14. I listen to a LOT of Rick Warren sermons….. I've never in my gut, spirit…. not feelings, felt or heard him preach a false gospel…. I was a Joyce Meyer fan, but started to hear the false doctrine with her….always somehow knew these others were "off"….please explain WHY you guys keep saying this about pastor Rick…even the new pastor appointed Andy Wood gives solid teachings…. I'd love an answer. Thanks for your time and your channel. Love in Christ 🇿🇦✝️

  15. All these ppl like TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn are all false preachers. Each one of them talk about prosperity. And all of them have taken all those peoples money they are pathetic. They must think they are gonna take all their money and material things with them. I don't agree with gay marriage but who am i to make that judgment?, i am not God i can't judge them. That is the whole reason God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. We have all sinned and not one sin is bigger than another. God 's 2nd greatest commandment is Love thy neighbor as thyself! God will take care of the false teachers when their time comes!


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