Sunrise Tv brings to you again another exclusive clip from the Action chapel International, Spintex Road. In this clip, his Eminence …


  1. Im nigerian and nigerian church are 99% charlatans please ghana dont become like nigeria. + this teaching is not 100% correct. We are not in the old testament but new testament, we should be lead by the Spirit in all things we do,+ every new testament beliver dose not need a mediator but can go direct to christ. + We have to stop replacing Jesus with man and give only Jesus the glory!.
    African wake up!

  2. Where is the glory of the name of Jesus ? I don't here the glory of the Son of God.I only see the glory of man. God is a jealous God. All servants who hide the glory of his Son Jesus inflame the anger of God.

  3. They create system that brings money every week, and your seed makes systems works, what church need from your income more than 10%. Used your sense to known who is benefit from system. God? Jesus? Pastoral teams? Front line executives? or you?

  4. This is very nice, our Lord Jesus christ has caused all the fig trees that cannot bear fruit. This is just the beginning. I thank God that he does not need a man to touch a soul that he want to save. Ephesians 2v8. If you have ur bible read,May God help us all. As we continue to pray for them to come back alive.

  5. The secrete of Oyedepo's Success is Diligence. I have listened to him a lot and he is very real and practical. He reads a lot of books and faces things that real and not just sowing seeds. He believes in discipline. If you are called by God, concentrate on what He what He has called you to do which is win souls for His Kingdom and prepare them for Heaven. But what we see from men of God especially in Ghana is trying to use psychology to extract wealth from their members to enrich themselves. According to the Bible, the sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to God, if the person sowing the seed is still a fornicator, a lier, a proud person or thief and you collect money from him, tell me where you will spend eternity. Let's do away with this fancy and false Christianity and come back to the real Gospel of the Kingdom which is repentance, faith in Christ, restitution, Holiness, love for the brethren and righteousness. Preach Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and get souls saved and stop this kind of satanic and gimick Christianity that will lead you and your ignorant members to Hell fire. If you want to be wealthy, be diligent and do your own business, God will prosper you as you do that in righteousness but don't turn Church into business, collecting money from ignorant, poor and sinful people.


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