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  1. The reason that the internet was put into place, is that It can influence ignorant people. 80% of us are not ignorant. You are banking on big time ignorance. You just fucked up.

  2. They lie about your PIN number they lie about your code you don't have no privacy they're in your phone they're in your photos they're online they're in your website they have your contact they know where you live at this is a bunch of garbage internet is called the dope of the internet the garbage

  3. It's like watching a commercial and seeing a plump delicious juicy hamburger and getting in your car and driving over to the restaurant only to get this sad dried out gross hamburger made by someone that looks like they haven't showered in a few days. That is social media.

  4. I had deleted all socials 2 months ago and trust me,I have never been so happier and satisfied before ..
    I was a person with sooo much anxiety and all my anxiety just got vanished after it.


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