In this video I share with you a Christian animation called:THIS IS HOW GOD REMEMBERED HER IN HER PAIN part 4 and End …


  1. This story was real alert for most house to be like milleli and leave God to be in control. But most christian house are on fire due we ignore God is promise in his word . Surely God help us all. Who want positive house for the Glory of God

  2. Knowing about God and what he can do is one thing…..anyone can have it. But intimately being in love with God thats a whole different level……. We learn to see all things as miracles and know that God can orchestrate and divinely engineer all circumstances to help people like Mirrelle

  3. This Story Is Taking The Bible Out Of Context… The Scripture Does Not Say Be A Fool !!! If Ur Husband Leaves You For Another Woman And He Comes Over While Still With The Other Woman And Wants To Sleep With You DONT Deny Him Because He Is Your Husband- That Is Foolishness, He Has Been With Someone Else He Has Committed Adultery And Could Have A Disease – and Here You Are Being An Idiot Trying To Act Like Your Smart and Scripture Intelligent When Ignorance Got You By The Throat- Baby Or No Baby He Would Not Be Able To Have Any Part Of Me Any More!!! He Even Disrespected Her After He Put His Pants Back On – Such Foolishness InDeed….. YES FORGIVE HIM – BUT MOVE ON – SHE MADE EVERYTHING SO CONVENIENT FOR HIM – SHE STAYED THERE IN HIS HOME , HE STILL HAD A KEY TO COME AND GO AS HE PLEASED EVERYTHING WAS IN FAVOR OF HIM !!!! He Stopped Taking Care Of Her Gave All His Money Faithfully To His New Lady He Now Was Calling His Wife !!! She So Worried About What People Said Pertaining To Her Not Being Able To Have Children That She Was Willing To Take Everything He Threw At Her In The Name Of Love/ The Bible – U Can Be In Love With Someone and Not Take Their Crap !!!!! Value Yourself!!!!!! Again YES PRAY FOR HIM AND YES SURLEY FORGIVE HIM – BUT TAKING HIS CRAP IS NOT LOVE, ITS FOOLISHNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It takes a lot of courage to forgive such a person like Jerry and a lot of GOD in you to take him back as your husband… Mirelle is the exact example of how CHRISTIANS ought to be, doing God's will no matter how much it hurts

  5. No understanding, responsible, loving & caring man would let his girlfriend detooth another man for their survival, he will only be with u for as long as u're beneficial to him & after will settle with a lady who deserves to be a wife.
    This goes to all ladies out there doing desperate things for men in the name of love 😡

  6. Mirelle is a powerful woman of God. She stood on the word, even though she was humiliated and hurt. A fact is not a truth when it does not line with up with the word of God and Mirelle proved that by giving birth to a baby in her later years. God will do exceeding, abundantly above all we ask or think. Ephesians 3 v 20.

  7. Wonderful Video's Really Enjoy Them When Is Are Going To Make Part 5 May The Almighty God Bless You All And Your Channel In The Name Of The Real Jesus Of Nazareth 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😊

  8. OMG! Thank you for this video! I know this is animation but I am so happy for Mirelle. I am thankful that Jerry realized his mistake and sincerely repented. Victor was the best godly brother. He and his wife helped in Jerry’s absence. I enjoyed the series. There are a lot of women I know in the same condition. Looking for God to bless them. God bless the Sentinel Channel!!!💯💯🙏🏽

  9. I have watched a dew of these stories and I'm really disappointed at how sexist your stories can be. So Julie gets the short end of the stick while the very person who cheated on his wife with her gets to have a happy ending. Why does she not get a second chance too? Why are boy children always more treasured than girl children in your stories? It's disheartening to watch. God's character is love FOR EVERYONE because we are all equal in His eyes.

  10. I want to commend Mirelle for doing the right thing. As a Christian I believe in forgiveness and honoring parents. But I also believe that if a person is in a toxic relationship and they have done all they can do to do the right thing and nothing changes, I believe in forgiveness but also setting boundaries even if it means separation and limiting time with that person or persons. With forgiveness, it doesn't mean automatically letting that person back in a person's life as if nothing happened. Trust takes a long time to build, but can be destroyed in seconds.


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