In this video I share with you a Christian animation called:THIS IS HOW GOD REMEMBERED HER IN HER PAIN (Christian …


  1. I believe that my God through the mighty name of Jesus is with me in my struggles here in Saudi Arabia, I'm not having much but i have faith and above it all I have God his promises are faithful! ❤in every circumstance i will worship his holy name

  2. How come all your skits now continue? And then it takes forever for the continuation when continuation come there are so many I cannot remember which is which❓️💕 🇵🇦

  3. Please delete @mexico-32 comment thread. This scam of trading with the thread of scammers as replies are everywhere on the internet. I cannot tolerate those scammers on page promoting God and Jesus.

  4. The truth is wot God tells us, it doesn't matter what we try to do on our own to remedy the situation if God's time is not now then we'll have to wait… You'll wait till the appointed time cos even when u try to help your self it will not work quit trying to help your self only God can help u.

  5. 8:05 "good evening infertile woman" those words must hurt coming from your husband 😢… why do Men think it's a woman's fault for not having children?? as far as I know, some Men are equally to blame

  6. Wow. I needed this as my husband and I are 2nd spouses to each other. We each have kids from our prior marriages but we want a child together. We pray frequently for a child (specifically a little girl). I am 44 and my husband is 40… I am praying this middle aged body can have a baby soon…

  7. Hi!
    What is wrong with some men and especially if you say you are a Christian…why can't you wait on GOD and stop trying to help yourself because GOD don't and can't BLESS mess.
    Why is he insulting his wife like that,,why can't he be the one who is infertile.
    How can you marry someone for 20 years and after want an out….why wait until 20 years?
    Some men don't know how to treat a woman we are the weaker vessel and his mother too…she probably the one behind it

  8. Can you guys make such videos for little children also so that they too could watch. You know kids loves cartoons but in this world nothing can be trusted and watching Christian animations will help them grow and get closer to Jesus amen


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