Long distance relationships can be really tough. Communication in relationships is already challenging let alone when you add …


  1. I"just came across this and i"can relate because i"m in a"long distance relationship myself and yes it gets so tense because we want to be together so bad he"s in turkey and i"m in the states but he is trying his best to get to me but transfering his currency is a"problem but i"m waiting for him because i"love him unconditionally and our communication is great even though he's a"doctor and works alot he still makes time for me and vice versa and were talking marriage to for sure because neither one of us is going no where and this video is us definitely plus its like i"can feel his vibes and emotions because i"know just as good when something is wrong with him or when he"s tired and he knows certain things about me also and as we continue our growth together.

  2. I was in a ldr with someone

    I have a chronic immune disease and pots and I'm extremely fatigue and sick all the same.

    i can't work but I was in a ldr with someone who assumed I was lazy because of my illness

  3. Every time is a good time to invest! Investment is not a game of chance or luck like the lottery, rather it involves critical reasoning, planning, and diligence and focuses on achieving the major goal (PROFIT). Notwithstanding, one should put into consideration that various externalities may occur during the investment period which could result in a high yield in profit or loss.

  4. We're 3hours apart she got a new job. Now I'm about to move to a new country with a 9 hour difference time zone.💀 The love we have is immense but it's like our work lives and priorities will change soon. Whatever happens happens.😪😪

  5. I needed this. I really really needed to hear this. Exactly this! Because this is the situation I am going through rn, I didn't plan on being in a long-distance relationship at all, I had no idea that I would be in such a relationship, but it happened and I am going through the exact same situation, that was shown in this video. So thank you! For the support, for knowing that it's not just me, there are other who can relate and for giving me these priceless advices, so that I know that it's just part of the process and difficulties, but they can be overcamed.

  6. I'm sharing this from experience:
    1. Stop controlling
    2. Stop reheating topics
    3. Stop triggering
    4. Learn to forgive and forget.
    And the rest is what he said.
    We're still together btw had our first Anniversary online and we're still figuring it out.

  7. I've been in a long distance relationship with a wonderful sweet man that lives in another country for going on 7 months on the 19th. It is so hard but if you truly 100 percent love the person you can make make it work we have had bad days and good days mistrust but we always talk things through. So this Friday I'm boarding a plane and headed right to Nigeria and into the arms of the man I love.


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