At the age of 11, Adrian was a gravely ill boy from Norway who had developed a mysterious disease. He and his parents traveled …


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  2. I had a very bad infection.. Long story, I wrote it all, but it didn't post…. I cried out to God, because I was booked for emergency surgery that I really didn't want to go through. A voice, it could only have been God, said to me, "bodies are designed to heal!!". It repeated over and over until I was saying it out loud.. I slept, listening to binaural beats for clearing infections, ate super healing foods, and 23 hours later, my infection was gone.
    God made us in his image..right? You believe that don't you? Well, he is a healer. A beautiful, caring, kind healer… Which means, you are too!! Believe it. Feel it. Share it. Its so true. Believe in God. Believe that he has given you his powers. You are a little God, capable of amazing things. Society invented School. It makes children into adults to follow a money god, losing touch with our true God and true selves. Our only hope to beat this current evil that is consuming the world is empowering ourselves and helping others to empower eachother. God bless each one of you. He truly loves you, and wants you to know his power within yourself. Now go! Heal. Spread the love. You got this !!

  3. There is a stranger on my body called anal fitsula, it has been living with me since 2019 but today 18 of Dec 2021 I have decided that I am evicting this stranger from me in Jesus name. Please pray with me. Thank you 700 club for what you do

  4. Perhaps funny in retrospect as an baby i suffered an severe case of meningitus, back then babies brought in with meningitus with blood poison loose limbs and just die there was no cure. Yeah sure i am half deaf , cripple and with braininjuries causing well …. trouble and pain even half a century later yet the doctors insisted they had never seen someone that got away from it while sane and with relatively mild injuries. They where certain it was an miracle of god. Well if it was he does work in mysterious ways both my parents are atheist and me grew up as one as well. Call it an miracle call it luck i am fine with both i am just grateful that i can enjoy life. And grateful to the doctors and nurses who kept me alive. Perhaps it was god's plan perhaps it was hard study and experience and am mountain of luck…

  5. Please pray for a young school teacher with a year old daughter…

    He was in a very bad accident yesterday afternoon… He is currently in Intensive Care Unit in A New Castle hospital…

    He has bleeding on his brain and his heart and lungs can't function on their own…

    He is on life support but Dr says they doubt he will live another 24 hours…

    So I'm asking please pray for a miracle healing for him…

    His name is Johannes Scholly…

  6. God plzzz listen my prayer too do some miracle and heal my problem touch me with ur blessings plzz god do some miracles heal me complety so that I get back to Normal life plzz god come to me in any form ❀️😭😭

  7. God plzzz listen my prayer too do some miracle and heal my problem touch me with ur blessings plzz god do some miracles heal me complety so that I get back to Normal life plzz god come to me in any form ❀️😭😭

  8. Thanks God because you love to much this family. They are yours. I cried a lot. Because this video show me the power and mercy for the Lord. He heard their words of pain on their mouths and hearts for their loved son. Thanks God. Thanks Almighty God.

  9. Unfortunately, non believers don't deny God because they don't see the evidence like miracles or creation. The reason they don't believe is because their hearts are closed off to God.

  10. Brethren and soldiers in Jesus Christ. God is pleased with all that share His word and works so blesses each with different talents we know. Music should glorify our Lord Jesus more often with the miracles He has done for each of us. And there have been plenty (even those we weren't aware of). Hence these accounts become hymns and not songs. The intensity of the experience is much higher than a 'song'. And of which we couldn't compose that on our own. I must share this hymn as God turned miracles into lyrics and melody. And am in humble gratitude for the inspiration, capacity and honourable privilege to transmit those extraordinary works into a musical vocal visual form.

    This short video of live miracles in His presence God did with me at my son’s departure will certainly be beneficial to all. As in any thing the Lord does in our lives, they are always perfect. Some of His decisions may not seem to be logical or even fair at the time. But up front when the results appear in our favour as always, do we give thanks. While all that really counts is to lead us to salvation in the end. All glory to Jesus amen.

    The Lord deserves projection of this video onto a large screen for closer intimacy of the visual, sound and lyrics.

    God bless,


  11. Watching this video during a severe mental stress… One of my relative keeps torturing me and my daughters….It's like the person is getting so much pleasure and fun in seeing our weekness….. No one to help.. Let God alone solve the problem… Please save us from evil handsπŸ™πŸ»

  12. πŸ™ Thank You So Much to All Good Gods & Goddessss & The Enlightened Beings that have been Protecting & Guiding Us with Their Divine & Magical Frequencies of The Universal Loving Kindness & Compassion + Wisdom! We just Have to Have Sincere Faith & Pray regardless of our Race , Faiths , Gender , Nationality , Social Status , In Uniforms or in Hoodies! Always Creating Good Karma & Stay Away from Creating Bad Karma! πŸ™ May All Good & Worthy Beings Be Blessed with Good Safety , Health , Wealth , Wisdom , Beauty , Grace , Good Companionships & Happiness! πŸ•―πŸŒ·πŸŒΏπŸŒπŸ’–

  13. I’m in a lot of financial trouble and somewhat unhealthy physically. My feet have minor infections so I can’t walk without stabbing pains, and I struggle to work which has been causing me to struggle more financially. I don’t know how I’m going to make my payments. I don’t know how I’m going to get proper treatment. I’m leaving this here as a form of remembering where I was at one point. I want to come back and see how I improved because of God’s grace. I’m staying positive and maintains my belief that he will come through for me and allow me to take care of my family even better than before. God is amazing.

  14. If Jesus heals people why did Nabeel Qureshi die out of cancer. Read the holy Quran a guidence and light from the lord almighty Allah for those who fear. Know your lord know peace.

  15. I am not a subscriber . When I was watchig this son Vedio God healed mightly. Sis just prayed for the teeth , I have problems with tooth for many year recently I suppose extract few and capping. Due to the money I dropped it. Now I believe that my God could heal me through her prayer. Praise the Lord. Amen.

  16. God Is!!!! Miracles happens in Silent. It is not that the Angles play trumpets when miracles happen. It is all Our Father. It is amazing to Have Him In our Lives everyday. I take the Movie Miracles From Heaven I always cry. They ask how did it Happen. Easy Only God that is it no one else. Prays Him And Our Savior


  18. God has blessed me so much. I have survived what should of killed me. My atlas was ripped off my skull. Doctors only gave me possibly 6 months. Over 22 years later I am still alive. God is always so good. Looking forward to seeing Jesus ❀️


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