The Wrong Woman (2013) | Full Movie | Danica McKellar | Jonathan Bennett | Jaleel White

Watch The Wrong Woman (2013) on @Films 4 You Psychological drama about a suburban policeman’s wife who is falsely …


  1. Ask yourself, what woman in her right mind would be walking alone in an empty parking garage unarmed. At the first hint of danger put yourself in a defensive position with a wall to your back, armed and waiting.

  2. I almost hyperventilated alone with Ellen, It was so scary even 4me. 31:49 The cops used probable cause, when they manipulated her into entering her home and searching her car. Ellen felt so comfortable with the cops she trusted them and let her guards down. Ellen didn't ask the cops for a search warrant because she felt she did nothing wrong. I really love this movie.

  3. If you’re knocked out of police officer like that.
    You’d be right back in court!

    Then even if it was self-defense. You’d likely be serving at least a few years in prison!!

  4. It’s pretty obvious that the female cop that pulled Ellen over is the attacker. Look at how the attacker walks in the beginning of the movie then look at how the cop walks after talking to Ellen in the courtroom.


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