Blake goes to great lengths to make her way back into her family when she finally finds her birth mother, Stella Armstrong, and …


  1. AINT no way boy! I would NOT allow someone to lash out at me then turn around and let her stay the night with my babies alone, accept the behavior as a cry for help AND THEN have her babysit while I enjoy a date night AT THE BEACH HOUSE! Nope! Daughter or not, things should have been rectified and addressed b4 the instant trust.

  2. I'm Looking For 2 Lifetime Movies

    1. A girl tells her mother that she has memories of a past that's not hers and thinks that there's someone inside her body so she has to take medicine for it.

    2. A lady's father dies and she gets into a white car and this other woman in a blue and white stripped bathrobe comes out and says Hey where are you going? That's my car! I own that car! Come back here you little moron!


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