There's a great lesson to learn from this movie very great lesson first, never trust strangers ,and never fall in love with someone you are not familiar with especially when you don't know there background
I like boat movies, and that's because when I was four,My twin sisters,and I was in a motor boat,I have been in boats through out my life,The last time which was 2006 I was on a yacht in New York,You don't have to be a millionaire to be on a yacht.
I watched half of this and now watched it in full finally. So glad I did, what a great ending! It's nice to see a mom/dghtr relationship bond and get deeper too. Good movie!
i don't like being pampered the idea of a stranger rubbing my arms legs back etc is creepy and weird to me also i don't envy the lifestyle of the mega rich who can buy anything they want regardless of how absurd after all excuses are like your butt hole we all have one and they all stink so when i see the mega rich people their wealth power n opulent lifestyle means nothing to me its like chasing the wind pointless waste of time to envy the rich THE GREAT BIG RED SMOKE STACK IS A DEAD GIVE AWAY THAT IS NOT A MODERN CRUISE SHIP
Back In The Day folk Trusted folk they just met..because many think folk have the same heart as they do. But Always Remember not Everybody is like you and Nowadays We shouldn’t really fully Trust Folk We’ve known most or even all of Our life.
Why would anyone allow their 18 year old go off with a boy or even think about going on a boat with an unknown man and in a foreign country. Just stupid!
When a guy says trust me it is time to be very scared.
Had a feeling rico and dante were in this together.
Do not trust men rarely trust people. Seems like lots of people want something. So much greed.??
I guess the cruise director is not doing his trivia program tonight ???
There's a great lesson to learn from this movie very great lesson first, never trust strangers ,and never fall in love with someone you are not familiar with especially when you don't know there background
It's a movie, but I agree.
Love dis move ❤
I like the kissing part
The mom did not say you can kiss
Captain Creepy is so irritating. Always popping up in random places!
I like boat movies, and that's because when I was four,My twin sisters,and I was in a motor boat,I have been in boats through out my life,The last time which was 2006 I was on a yacht in New York,You don't have to be a millionaire to be on a yacht.
Corny movie totally not realistic
My babysitter likes the kissing part
Great movie thank u
I watched half of this and now watched it in full finally. So glad I did, what a great ending! It's nice to see a mom/dghtr relationship bond and get deeper too. Good movie!
Is this a true story? Does this actually happen on cruises?
Now, how do they know their way around Mexico but can't even speak the language
I couldn't trust men they just met
Good movie shows not to trust anyone but yourself.
i don't like being pampered the idea of a stranger rubbing my arms legs back etc is creepy and weird to me also i don't envy the lifestyle of the mega rich who can
buy anything they want regardless of how absurd after all excuses are like your butt hole we all have one and they all stink so when i see the mega rich people
their wealth power n opulent lifestyle means nothing to me its like chasing the wind pointless waste of time to envy the rich
Vivica Fox didn't say the tag line…" the wrong____"
Angie ?? than ???
Back In The Day folk Trusted folk they just met..because many think folk have the same heart as they do. But Always Remember not Everybody is like you and Nowadays We shouldn’t really fully Trust Folk We’ve known most or even all of Our life.
bogus. with all hatred viveca/mom mustered why didn't scammer knock out and bleed by IRON tool!
good movies w/ viveca
Why would anyone allow their 18 year old go off with a boy or even think about going on a boat with an unknown man and in a foreign country. Just stupid!
So completely different cars in the beginning and now boarding the queen marry that's permanently stuck in long beach as a hotel/musuem??????
This movie up to 34:13 is trash ?
I love Vivica and all of her movies, once I see the characters in the movie whether I’m going to watch it or not; Vivica is a great actress’s ??
She pulled up with the headlights on and didn't see him propped against the tree…?….come on lifetime
He doesn't seem to be successful at ACTUALLY GETTING anyone's money
A great Movie Vivica is a best in acting , love these movies with her in them ……
It just got too stupid to continue watching! Borderline torture!