1. Disgusting🫣Is this a horror movie?😢😢😢This is ritualistic. A mother knows about this & is still under the same roof? I am not sure those are her parents. Meanwhile staying with them is dangerous bc these so called parents could Kpai this girl. Oma'ashe Ooooo😢😢😢

  2. Mad parents. They ought to have been sentenced to life imprisonment and shut down that Redeemed Church of Darkness. Thank God for the modern day social media public freedom of speech. Those trying to cover up should be charged also for conspiracy. This rubbish lifestyle is not tolerated in U.S. only in Africa people live in darkness and get away. Asiwere ni opolopo awon people tiwon pe arawon ni pastors yi. Koni yewon lase Edumare.

  3. Franchise is true in RCCG. My friend and her husband started one here in UK as far back as 15yrs ago I was part of their members and my friend told me how it works becos I asked her then ,becos I was surprised when they started, she told me RCCG is a franchise, we are just to be paying some amount monthly……omo I was surprised oooò. I worship with yhem for sometime.

  4. O ga ooo this is pure wickedness RCC should keep away from this mess once they have warned the Pastor and he proved to be stubborn let him carry his cross this is families and government isue thanks 😂😂😂

  5. This money isue is not only RSSG many Churches are like that no more winning of soul but bring money and you will become heroes and well recognise person in Church Jesus said it that when he come back will he see faith in Church 😅😅😅😅

  6. Does Pastor Adebayo aware about this? That Pastor should e jailed!
    That is not Godly. Something has to be done in that church for there’s been serious evident of unGodliness, yet they appear to be more righteous and Spiritual. This is very deceitful and unbiblical.

  7. Please can that girl be referred to the Berekete Family. The girl needs justice. Her parents have failed her and stolen her destiny and virtue by a father Pastor in such Resounding Church.
    Where’s God in all these? They should not be pastors further, or is purposefully ritualistic. How can the mother condone this?
    Is protecting the church name more important than saving souls?
    The church of God has gone business and institutional and not fully Holy Spirit Lead. Woe unto them that are false church leaders and soiling the church of God.

  8. This is very sad but I am not sure Pastor Adeboye is aware of this as he wouldn't condone this type of case. Expansion of any organization not only RCCG brings all kinds people together and each exhibits his true color at given opportunity.

    RCCG has a disciplinary process but those covering this case up are not helping the family and if Pastor Adeboye is aware of it, I am very sure of justice will be melted out.

    RCCG is no franchise and no one has control over the church of God but what looks like franchise is the system abroad where every church is registered with a pastor and pastor of that parish is responsible to the government of the land over everything that happens so it may look as those pastors are reckless. No RCCG pastor abroad can be removed or transferred like we do in Nigeria because of the law of the land.

  9. Hummm…… It is well, I think have heard her talk before.
    I pray God will not give us a monster as a father.
    The world at large is full of nemesis ( dirty things ) I am a member of RCCG . alot is happening. In the churches to day not only RCCG,
    Many pastor are not worthy to be call pastor.
    God will continue to expose the evil men of God.
    I love aunty aunty Maureen ❤
    Truth is constant👍

  10. Ole gbe, Ole gba church…
    The Trinity Tower is not for anybody… The cod church can not, and no one can claim that building… Many people, visitors, members, and parishes home and abroad donated to build the structure…

  11. The man needs help. He has to find deliverance church to deliver him. He is possessed. I have sen a lot of pastors that having problems like this went to scoan for deliverance. For a father to be sleeping with his daughter is not ordinary. He will not stop until he get delivered. Churches will bashing tb Joshua. This what he said to people.

  12. A certificate forger cannot be the president of Nigeria! A career criminal cannot be the president of Nigeria! A drug baron cannot be the president of Nigeria! Nigerian youths, unfortunately, many of us are under the illusion that something will change in our country if we do nothing. The contrary is true. If we do nothing, nothing will change. The time to revolt against a dilapidated system is now. We must take back our country or watch it sink into total meltdown before our eyes. A bad messenger cannot be trusted to deliver a good message! Nigerians are hungry; emilokan gone wrong!

    Nigeria, make it make sense! We go to school to learn how to solve problems. Now we are asking a certificate forger to solve our economic and leadership problems. Where did he learn how to solve problems?

    Tinubu and APC are gambling with our lives, and we are allowing them by keeping silent. The IMF, The World Bank, and the European Union are determined to destroy Africa, and Nigeria is listed as their first victim. In their estimate, when you cut off the head, the rest is easy to destroy. They are after our mineral resources and our blind leaders are quietly and timidly accepting their unsustainable proposals. These world bodies are secretly making plans to re-colonize Africa economically, and we are folding our hands and watching them do it. When are we going to wake up?

    They are doing these things because they are hostage takers! Our leaders have indebted themselves, and the only way they can pay their death to these world bodies is compromise with our lives. Tinubu and APC know what happened to Buhari, but they are not telling us. Buhari died in 2017, period! They continue to steal and loot our oil and natural resources with no one stopping them. Tinubu is a career criminal, a drug baron, and a certificate forger who has compromised himself in all sorts of ways, and Nigerians are now paying the price. Tinubu is a fraud! When are we going to back our country from these thieves? When are we going to rise up and say enough is enough? The world is watching, and history is recording!


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