1. As a christian, i left christianity and became a atheist. Because christians support israel, while jews spit at christians face in jerusalem, crusified jesus. And you still support them, shame on you. Long live freedom fighters palestenians

  2. Christianity is hates the most because it’s the truth! Before I was a believer I was always very uncomfortable when I went inside a church for a wedding or something else. I now know it was because I could feel God’s disappointment in me. Now I’m perfectly comfortable in church, it’s a place of comfort for me. God bless all you believers and for non Christians just start praying.

  3. Ok let's not include the fact that Cristian have like never been the victim let me think what about all of the horrible things that happened to Jews or maybe something worse all of the bad things that has happened to Muslims almost all of the Muslim oppression was from Christians and a lot of the older anti semitic stuff was also from Christians so instead of punching down we puch up to make fun of the ones who don't get treated badly.

  4. On one hand I get that being mocked for being a part of something it on the other hand that group would also tell me I’m gonna get thrown in a fire pit because I want more evidence than secondhand accounts and a single book that, for all I know, could have been edited or changed at some point down the line.


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