The Woman you're Looking for does not Exist by Dr Myles Munroe

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  1. Thank the Lord that HE will step in and do these things in a womans life despite the man she may be married to.
    If he is unwilling to do these things I AM knows how to get the job done. I've observed it happen to a few women. 🥰

  2. Ok, so God can only give u a wife who is a raw material for a husband to work on, does God also give a wife a husband who is also a raw material? If both of us are raw materials then nothing will ever get done in each other's lives, coz we expect the other one to do it for us. This logic doesn't add up. For this to work, the husband has to be the complete one, so as to know how to complete the wife the way he's already complete, bt if the husband is also a raw material, who doesn't have his money, spiritual life,emotional life,social,health, academic life together, this is wen the wife will also get resentful, coz she's not getting completed as she shud. So I think, tht this idea of marrying a raw material, will not work for both. The best marriages work, wen both of you are already completed by God, so by the time u guys come together,u compliment each other n not be a burden…

  3. Y'know, this reminds me a bit of the time I whupped God's ass. He was a pretty weak bitch, clapped Him so bad he gave up the Holy Ghost on the spot, you all can thank me for the Trinity now. Do so in prayer, kids, when you pray He don't hear it 'cuz I made sure His ears gonna ring and He's gonna need more than resting on the seventh day to get His shit together. When you pray, I hear it. Pray to me.

  4. Gen 2: 15
    God gave man task to tender to the garden and leadership over all He created. This depicts maturity and responsibility. Before He presented Eve, its man's responsibility to identify a WIFE amongst women and BOTH MUTUALLY evolve in fulfillment of Kingdoms purposes.
    Gen 2: 22- 24 and proverbs 18: 22- affirms same. ✌


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