Roberts Liardon shares the History of “The Welsh Revival & Azusa Street Revival” during our 4th Session of “Remembering God’s …


  1. Speaking of child preachers, I sat under the teaching of one in my early Christian years. (Of course, she was elderly by the time I met her.) Her name was Mary Agnes Wagner &, as a child evangelist, she led huge tent revivals in the northeast United States & out West. Her parents were Baptists & so was she. Don't let the Baptists tell you they've never let girls preach. They did in the old days!

  2. Its really time to see God really move again. So many young people are lost into street drugs. So many mislead. All Christians must pray we put away all our differences. God can't come with His shaniah glory if there is sin in camp. We must purify our heart toward the complete righteousness of Jesus Christ , our High priest. So the world we live together in can once see the same Shinah Glory of the Holy Spirit . With the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit. God wants to reach millions and millions. God said, " The works I do, greater works shall you do". Give all the glory to Jesus Christ that is God. Let the Holy Spirit move. That God can get all the Glory . I praise you : God the Father, God the Son of God Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit. Let God get all the glory. Let us have a humble heart. That you get all the praise, the glory , the worship. Help us forgive all those that have done us wrong. God help me put away anything that makes my heart unclean in your sight. So we can pray for those hungry . Those in need of healing. I praise you. Jesus Christ thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. So we can have a new heart and mind. I praise you. I want to be with you in Heaven. To be reunited with all my loved ones. Help me strive to do your will . While I am alive. I need you right now. I praise you. I glorify your Holy name.


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