If it was GODS will for us to be healed,then why does it fall upon us to be healed? Simple common sense tells you these people are false and there by liers. Common sense tells you that a man going around uncontrollably laughing and hissing like a snake, is not a man of GOD JESUS CHRIST.
Unseen, unheard, power that men have touched, and came into. think about what he's saying there, people are blinded by something to believe thilese people the "your faith" part was created by these men to not take the blame for you not getting healed a hedge bet to keep then lying to you.
The funny thing about this is that most of these declared "misreadings" are just another theologian claiming his own interpretation of the text is more authoritative than Hagin's. But there's no actual biblical grounds to support these guys claiming to having a "more accurate" interpretation. It's just their own subjective theological weighting. They claim the context gives interpretation, but that doesn't hold as much water as it should in a vast number of cases. It's all nonsense. The Bible just isn't a true book.
I can assure you if he seen a monkey demon come between him and JESUS, that was NOT JESUS. He said in JESUS name shut up, then says JESUS says he couldn't had done that. WOW
If they had authority over all sickness and plague and all weather don't you think they should be charged for malpractice then, because millions of people die every year from all those things,they never say they went to a hostpital and helped and if they do they'll be no proof of it.
"Holy laughter" is a demon mocking God! It's disgusting. I followed that junk for many years then realized it wasn't working…. Glad I got away from it. If Angel feathers are falling why didn't they rush to put them on camera? Hmm? 🤔Hagin followed E. W. Kenyon….
If God wants to heal everyone, why do the Faith healers who spread this message ultimately die? God said that all men and women will die because we are all born under sin. Thankfully, because of Jesus resurrection, all true believers will rise again.
I accepted Christ in a WOF church, so many people damaged! The pastor is now in prison for life. Why is that so many WOF leaders & churches are caught in egregious sin, selfish greed & immorality? I think they have opened up doors to other spirits not of God, divination & familiar spirits. They do not understand the spiritual realm nor do we.
There is trendy pastor in Dublin organising jesus marches….. He is best friends with Hagan junior but he looks normal and sophisticated. And people fooled….. Ireland in huge trouble because of merch church. Ive been ostracised and revivled by these "Christians" in my own home county for 20 yrs…… I was fooled myself and went to Andrew Wommack bible college. What pride……. Horrific!!!!
The problem is you bring people who criticise these men yet have not shown any sign of Godliness in them. So you expect us to believe you/them against such men who have multitudes of testimonies in their ministries. 🤣😁🙄😮💨. And stop using stupid comparisons. Jim Jones was a cult. Kenneth Haggins was not. The man says God heals and you fight that word instead of seeking for the truth. You wallop in ignorance yet die of horrible sicknesses and afflictions. Surely we need a message that says you can be healed then if that message comes across then seek it. If you saw the church I come from, you will be astounded.
I used to get MAD as a new believer when these guys would say GOD TOLD ME this and that. I walked around discouraged for Decades that Jesus wouldn't talk to ME like that. It took a long time but God has been faithful to speak to me in the way He chooses and not worry about the person on the stage.
Oh. The same bottom-dwelling channel is back with a hit piece of hogwash… what does that say about your character much less the deadness of your theology ?
All of that ridiculous laughing, knocking people over, and babbling in so-called “tongues” is just stomach-turning. Anyone who would dare to tell grieving parents that their child died because their faith was not strong enough is absolutely disgusting.
I was a “WoF” word of faith believer from 1994 through 2024 when I was in Afghanistan from 2007 through 2008 for two years working with the US Army PTDS Aerostat System, I was away from my word of faith church for two years. At this time the Lord started refreshing the truth of the gospel to me and when I returned back home, there was something noticeably different about me to the members of my church & family, and over the next 16 years the Lord started pulling me out of the word of faith step-by-step. I start seeing the cracks in the foundation of their theology/teachings example “I marvel that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel, which is really not another, only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to the gospel we have proclaimed to you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is proclaiming to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let him be accursed! For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a slave of Christ.” Galatians 1:6-10 LSB https://bible.com/bible/3345/gal.1.10.LSB” In 2024 the Lord totally removed me from the word of faith to a solid foundation from his word not from the mouth of the word of faith preachers. In 2024 I burned every word of faith book/dvd/tape and any other material of word of faith that I had ever purchased. I was and continue to be so grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for pulling me out of that foolishness. Thank you for exposing this false/other gospel. I pray that God continue to bless you so you can continue to be a blessing to every true believer in Jesus Christ. Amen.
I want to know if the "preachers" teaching this believe what they teach. Are they aware that what they say is all lies? I have 3 friends in this. Only God can make them see the truth.
First thing I have to do is study Kenyon. But where as you study canyon, you’ll understand that Kenyon questioned some of his if not many of his conclusions. And if you understand logic and you have good reading comprehension, you realize that Kenyon didn’t have either one of those things. He frequently read things in the Bible and said well it says this therefore it means that and, you don’t have to be a scholar to realize the man absolutely did not understand what he was talking about. Kenneth Hagan, his teachings came about from Kenyon. You know, of course, that he was rightfully accused of plagiarizing books. To study that because once you do that you’ll realize the kind of person Hagen was. Then you need to study the basic teachings of Hagan. Obviously, they’re flawed. But the structure, the basis of what he teaches takes you and replaces who Jesus Christ is with who you are. Beyond that just about every major teaching of his takes away from Jesus Christ who he is etc., and it puts you in the position of the Messiah. Then it goes from there, building up on that. And then if you study Kenneth Copeland, you’ll realize he took from Hagen Hagen accused Copeland of plagiarizing him. Well, yes, he did, but it goes beyond that because Copeland took this all he hast to do is ask God something and whatever pops in his head is God speaking to him and it equal to Scripture, that is inspired! Then you study the one who gave it all the name word of faith and who is I call him the father of the prosperity message because even though Hagan taught this and Copeland taught this, this guy took it and just didn’t care in his using it to just blatantly squeeze money out of people, and that was Robert tilted. And at one time all of these churches put satellite dishes on there buildings and started having Robert Tilton‘s Bible school Robert Tilson‘s group of word of faith, charismatic personalities, talking to them. It’s not really teaching. It certainly is a Bible teaching. These people don’t know the scriptures. They don’t know the Bible they don’t know the history of it. They don’t know how to study the Bible. They know nothing all they know is these phrases, they say over and over again and get people whipped up and those people are expecting that they’re gonna get all kinds of material possessions. And the churches that are contemporary churches, they’re not about Jesus they’re about word of faith/prosperity message. And others are ultra condemnation conservative, who are totally legalistic and look at the New Testament as a new law and as far as their concern, the old and new covenants are one and they are all a list of rules and laws that they excuse themselves from very often but take and beat up on others it’s a real fear producing game. And that’s what you have basically is one or the other, and both make lots of money and the people will not leave those places. The people stay in those places because they’re afraid to leave. For various reasons. They’re afraid to leave. And that’s why those so-called churches today they differ in someways, but they are all cults. And the people in charge of them are cult leaders. And what have you found as they’re getting exposed homosexuality, Pedophilia which is just unbelievable, now there’s talk that it’s gonna come out that a lot of these people these couples know each other and they’re doing what used to be called swinging back in the 60s that is husbands and wives for sex with one another. And they’re drinking a lot of these people who are rich and have, respect for being so-called profits and pastors, or alcoholics or heavy drinkers. Now I’ve worked at all facets of ministry and I could tell you it’s disgusting as it is in contemporary Christian music going back 30 years. There are people in that business who do drugs have sex swear live just like the whirly ones. People in the music, I’m not saying all of them, but a lot of those groups and going back even to the old Quartet, you had people who were saved they were in those things they made money and they had sex with everybody they possibly could. They drank all the time and they were full of curse. That’s the truth. That’s the truth. I’m telling you these institutions and television organizations and all of it behind it are not about Jesus Christ. They’re about sex and money and perversion. And if you asked me this 40 years ago well let’s say 30 years ago cause 40 years ago well, I knew about it, but I didn’t think it was as bad as it became say a few years later and today it’s horrendous. But if you say 35 years ago, I could’ve told you exactly what I told you now. That’s a fact.
I pray this video is a blessing to you. YOU are a blessing to me! MadLuv and God Bless!
Wow I thank the LORD our GOD JESUS CHRIST that I have never been deceabed by doctrine of devils like this.
If it was GODS will for us to be healed,then why does it fall upon us to be healed? Simple common sense tells you these people are false and there by liers. Common sense tells you that a man going around uncontrollably laughing and hissing like a snake, is not a man of GOD JESUS CHRIST.
Unseen, unheard, power that men have touched, and came into. think about what he's saying there, people are blinded by something to believe thilese people the "your faith" part was created by these men to not take the blame for you not getting healed a hedge bet to keep then lying to you.
The funny thing about this is that most of these declared "misreadings" are just another theologian claiming his own interpretation of the text is more authoritative than Hagin's. But there's no actual biblical grounds to support these guys claiming to having a "more accurate" interpretation. It's just their own subjective theological weighting. They claim the context gives interpretation, but that doesn't hold as much water as it should in a vast number of cases. It's all nonsense. The Bible just isn't a true book.
I can assure you if he seen a monkey demon come between him and JESUS, that was NOT JESUS. He said in JESUS name shut up, then says JESUS says he couldn't had done that. WOW
If they had authority over all sickness and plague and all weather don't you think they should be charged for malpractice then, because millions of people die every year from all those things,they never say they went to a hostpital and helped and if they do they'll be no proof of it.
Hagan's followers made me reject him…
they were off, and never became normal.
Copeland looks like pure evil.
Kenneth Hagin rejected the Atonement, what else needs to be said? Definitely a different gospel and a different Jesus.
"Holy laughter" is a demon mocking God! It's disgusting. I followed that junk for many years then realized it wasn't working…. Glad I got away from it. If Angel feathers are falling why didn't they rush to put them on camera? Hmm? 🤔Hagin followed E. W. Kenyon….
If God wants to heal everyone, why do the Faith healers who spread this message ultimately die? God said that all men and women will die because we are all born under sin. Thankfully, because of Jesus resurrection, all true believers will rise again.
I accepted Christ in a WOF church, so many people damaged! The pastor is now in prison for life. Why is that so many WOF leaders & churches are caught in egregious sin, selfish greed & immorality? I think they have opened up doors to other spirits not of God, divination & familiar spirits. They do not understand the spiritual realm nor do we.
There is trendy pastor in Dublin organising jesus marches….. He is best friends with Hagan junior but he looks normal and sophisticated. And people fooled….. Ireland in huge trouble because of merch church. Ive been ostracised and revivled by these "Christians" in my own home county for 20 yrs…… I was fooled myself and went to Andrew Wommack bible college. What pride……. Horrific!!!!
I'll be your God he said what on earth idk this man just watching video 🤨
Q: if the Trinity is true, then where is the Ancient of days Daniel 7:13-14 or the seven spirits of God in Revelation.5:6
God does heal but sometimes God doesnt for a bigger plan
🎯 🎯 🎯
The problem is you bring people who criticise these men yet have not shown any sign of Godliness in them. So you expect us to believe you/them against such men who have multitudes of testimonies in their ministries. 🤣😁🙄😮💨. And stop using stupid comparisons. Jim Jones was a cult. Kenneth Haggins was not. The man says God heals and you fight that word instead of seeking for the truth. You wallop in ignorance yet die of horrible sicknesses and afflictions. Surely we need a message that says you can be healed then if that message comes across then seek it. If you saw the church I come from, you will be astounded.
Study up on the people you follow and I mean deep dive!!!
I used to get MAD as a new believer when these guys would say GOD TOLD ME this and that. I walked around discouraged for Decades that Jesus wouldn't talk to ME like that. It took a long time but God has been faithful to speak to me in the way He chooses and not worry about the person on the stage.
Oh. The same bottom-dwelling channel is back with a hit piece of hogwash… what does that say about your character much less the deadness of your theology ?
So how do you deny the Man who are healed through their faith in the Living word?
So good! Thank you. 😊
ken hagen always looked sickly & those laughing attacks were ridiculously embarrassing
they want the $$$. don't give the $$$ to doctors
mr k,hagin is false teacher folks
Any time they ask you to repeat after them be careful.
Paula White is WOF. The president appointed her as the face of Christianity in America. Beware!!!
so how do you cast out devils?
He reminds me of a used car salesman.
When you allow or flow if you are not it will be nonsense to you,
They say that they are fatih healers it falls on them yes you have to belive that God can heal they just lie to people because they are not healers
All of that ridiculous laughing, knocking people over, and babbling in so-called “tongues” is just stomach-turning. Anyone who would dare to tell grieving parents that their child died because their faith was not strong enough is absolutely disgusting.
Here are Kenneth's "victims" acting like complete lunatics and hypnotized fools!
I was a “WoF” word of faith believer from 1994 through 2024 when I was in Afghanistan from 2007 through 2008 for two years working with the US Army PTDS Aerostat System, I was away from my word of faith church for two years. At this time the Lord started refreshing the truth of the gospel to me and when I returned back home, there was something noticeably different about me to the members of my church & family, and over the next 16 years the Lord started pulling me out of the word of faith step-by-step. I start seeing the cracks in the foundation of their theology/teachings example “I marvel that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ for a different gospel, which is really not another, only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to the gospel we have proclaimed to you, let him be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is proclaiming to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let him be accursed! For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a slave of Christ.”
Galatians 1:6-10 LSB
In 2024 the Lord totally removed me from the word of faith to a solid foundation from his word not from the mouth of the word of faith preachers. In 2024 I burned every word of faith book/dvd/tape and any other material of word of faith that I had ever purchased. I was and continue to be so grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for pulling me out of that foolishness. Thank you for exposing this false/other gospel. I pray that God continue to bless you so you can continue to be a blessing to every true believer in Jesus Christ. Amen.
I want to know if the "preachers" teaching this believe what they teach. Are they aware that what they say is all lies? I have 3 friends in this. Only God can make them see the truth.
First thing I have to do is study Kenyon. But where as you study canyon, you’ll understand that Kenyon questioned some of his if not many of his conclusions. And if you understand logic and you have good reading comprehension, you realize that Kenyon didn’t have either one of those things. He frequently read things in the Bible and said well it says this therefore it means that and, you don’t have to be a scholar to realize the man absolutely did not understand what he was talking about.
Kenneth Hagan, his teachings came about from Kenyon. You know, of course, that he was rightfully accused of plagiarizing books. To study that because once you do that you’ll realize the kind of person Hagen was.
Then you need to study the basic teachings of Hagan. Obviously, they’re flawed. But the structure, the basis of what he teaches takes you and replaces who Jesus Christ is with who you are. Beyond that just about every major teaching of his takes away from Jesus Christ who he is etc., and it puts you in the position of the Messiah.
Then it goes from there, building up on that. And then if you study Kenneth Copeland, you’ll realize he took from Hagen Hagen accused Copeland of plagiarizing him. Well, yes, he did, but it goes beyond that because Copeland took this all he hast to do is ask God something and whatever pops in his head is God speaking to him and it equal to Scripture, that is inspired!
Then you study the one who gave it all the name word of faith and who is I call him the father of the prosperity message because even though Hagan taught this and Copeland taught this, this guy took it and just didn’t care in his using it to just blatantly squeeze money out of people, and that was Robert tilted. And at one time all of these churches put satellite dishes on there buildings and started having Robert Tilton‘s Bible school Robert Tilson‘s group of word of faith, charismatic personalities, talking to them. It’s not really teaching. It certainly is a Bible teaching. These people don’t know the scriptures. They don’t know the Bible they don’t know the history of it. They don’t know how to study the Bible. They know nothing all they know is these phrases, they say over and over again and get people whipped up and those people are expecting that they’re gonna get all kinds of material possessions. And the churches that are contemporary churches, they’re not about Jesus they’re about word of faith/prosperity message. And others are ultra condemnation conservative, who are totally legalistic and look at the New Testament as a new law and as far as their concern, the old and new covenants are one and they are all a list of rules and laws that they excuse themselves from very often but take and beat up on others it’s a real fear producing game. And that’s what you have basically is one or the other, and both make lots of money and the people will not leave those places.
The people stay in those places because they’re afraid to leave. For various reasons. They’re afraid to leave. And that’s why those so-called churches today they differ in someways, but they are all cults. And the people in charge of them are cult leaders. And what have you found as they’re getting exposed homosexuality, Pedophilia which is just unbelievable, now there’s talk that it’s gonna come out that a lot of these people these couples know each other and they’re doing what used to be called swinging back in the 60s that is husbands and wives for sex with one another. And they’re drinking a lot of these people who are rich and have, respect for being so-called profits and pastors, or alcoholics or heavy drinkers.
Now I’ve worked at all facets of ministry and I could tell you it’s disgusting as it is in contemporary Christian music going back 30 years. There are people in that business who do drugs have sex swear live just like the whirly ones. People in the music, I’m not saying all of them, but a lot of those groups and going back even to the old Quartet, you had people who were saved they were in those things they made money and they had sex with everybody they possibly could. They drank all the time and they were full of curse. That’s the truth. That’s the truth.
I’m telling you these institutions and television organizations and all of it behind it are not about Jesus Christ. They’re about sex and money and perversion. And if you asked me this 40 years ago well let’s say 30 years ago cause 40 years ago well, I knew about it, but I didn’t think it was as bad as it became say a few years later and today it’s horrendous. But if you say 35 years ago, I could’ve told you exactly what I told you now. That’s a fact.