THE UNWANTED {FULL MOVIE} – TWINS (2022 FULL MOVIE) 2022 Latest Nigerian Nollywood Movie WELCOME TO …


  1. I really like the kids but HIS daughter is spoiled and disrespectful. That is not the way to allow children to act. The Bible says children obey your parents and honor your mother and father sì that it may be well with you and your days long on this earth. She is an arrogant little brat. I love the movie though.❤

  2. The father is not making any sense if the teacher is a stranger and canot go into the kitchen to cook,why is he leaving her in the house with her… but these girls just get sooo big. Love the movie ???

  3. Like the story lines , , , likes the music instrumental, liked the sites , themes changes , mood change, stylistic devices , funnest of the movie and also sound balance of the casts , , , just waiting to see the next part, , , ever sweet from the beggining until the end…watching from qatar gulf


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