The New Evangelicals: Tim Whitaker interviews James McGrath, a Bible scholar and author of the book ‘Christmaker: A Life of …


  1. To all those calling themselves christians: Why is the devil trying to kill Trump. And remember the devil is the one who steals and kills and destroys. So why is satan trying so hard to kill Trump. What does he know that YOU CALLING YOURSELVES CHRISTIANS DO NOT KNOW? Think about it.

  2. John baptized with the baptism of repentance. Telling Israel to repent from sin and return to the Law of Moses. Yeshua baptized with the baptism of remission. Telling Israel to cease from trying to justify themselves by keeping the Law of Moses and to be justified by believing the Gospel. To repent from self justification by the Law and turn to justification by grace through faith trusting in the cross and the shed blood of Yeshua for their justification and for their redemption. Two totally different repentances and two totally different baptisms.

  3. Not exactly. I know Christians incorrectly believe Judaism is the religion of law and Christianity is the religion of grace and love but it’s not true and it never has been true. It’s just Christian anti-Judaism.

  4. Not exactly. I know Christians incorrectly believe Judaism is the religion of law and Christianity is the religion of grace and love but it’s not true and it never has been true. It’s just Christian anti-Judaism.

    The Pharisees believed saving lives superseded ALL laws including Sabbath observance.

  5. The Temple priests were appointed by the Romans but the Pharisees had no power except for public opinion and they represented the poor and working class. The Pharisees were a democratizing force as opposed to the priests. The Pharisees replaced the Temple sacrifices with prayer, good deeds and Torah study, not Jesus.

  6. I loved this presentation. It spoke to my own understanding of the scriptures, especially the prophets, and the radical inversion of Christ's messages and the Gospels. I'm going to purchase these books. This is so encouraging because I've felt so out of step with much of American Christianity. Thank you.

  7. You mentioned Tim Mackie…
    I wonder how many of us were politely shown the door when we started learning from real theologians like Tim or N.T. Wright or Greg Boyd and started questioning what we had been taught by our lay pastors.

  8. This isn't new to me. From the early chapters of John's gospel, it seems Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and introduced Simon to Jesus. Jesus already knew the four fishermen before he called them to follow him as disciples.


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