The Unforgettable Woman – (Biblical Stories Explained)

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  1. In the beginning Yahweh Elohim created the Heaven and Earth. The Earth was formless and void. Yahshua the Son of Yahweh is also Yahshua Ha Mashiyah. Changing the Names corrupted salvation.Yahweh Father, Yahshua Son, Hallelu Yah. The name Yahshua means Yahweh is Salvation. Call on Yahweh Yahshua to be saved and filled with The Ruach HaKodesh.Redemption thru the blood of Yahshua Ha Mashiyah Eph1:7.Beautiful James Block music.

  2. Yahweh Father, Yahshua Son, Hallelu Yah. The name Yahshua means Yahweh is Salvation. Call on Yahweh Yahshua to be saved and filled with The Ruach HaKodesh.Redemption thru the blood of Yahshua Ha Mashiyah Eph1:7 Beautiful James Block music.

  3. Young David didn't respect King Saul because he felt King Saul was above him and Nabal wasn't, as the narrator insinuates. It was GOD, the Father David honored by being respectful to king Saul. Saul had been anointed king by GOD.. himself That is why young David treated Saul respectfully.

  4. Abigail exercised wisdom by not seeking out her earthly husband in the matter. Nabal's response to David's men brought about an impending slaughter to the entire household of Nabal. Abigail redirected her counsel in the Lord. A wife is to seek out the Lord in all matters. The husband, Nabal was to seek the Lord first, obtaining His counsel as his Head. (Strongs:G5207-yhios;Jesus Christ is suppose to be the Head of the human family, the man, the one who both furnished the pattern of the perfect man and acted on behalf of mankin). If Abigail decided to submit to Nabal's decision she too would have been meet with destruction.
    Remember the account of Shappira and Ananias!?
    Seek the Lord first in all matters. This way one is not lead to destruction under wrong leadership.

  5. Will you pray this prayer with me?
    Dear God, there have been times I have been prideful and taken credit when I should have given you the glory. It is only because of you that I have the ability to succeed. All my gifts come from you. Help me to remember to praise the one who gives and takes away rather than praising myself. Help me to live a life that honors you. Give me opportunities to use my earthly riches to bring glory to your name and draw others to you. In Jesus' name, amen.

  6. One of the greatest mistakes that David made was to marry other women after he married Abigail. If he had remained faithful to Abigail as his only wife, he would have been an even greater king of Israel. God's timing of bringing Abigail after the death of Prophet Samuel was perfect. David had a very wise counselor in Abigail. Indeed she was not a prophetess but God's plans for David's married life was beyond perfect!!!


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