The Ukraine Prophecy: William Branham's Russian Propaganda

Read More: Last night, Russian President Vladimir Putin …


  1. Please pray for me. I was fired for not getting the vaccine. I have lupus and been struggling for years with all my medications aches and pains. I also recently had a heart attack. So my pre existing health conditions where what made me turn down the vaccine. Im so depressed over losing my job. I’m a single mother with two autistic boys both are non verbal, now struggling to support them. I’m so afraid me and the boys are going to end up on the streets. l feel so alone it’s so hard raising two boys. I want to give up. I’m so embarrassed over my situation. But! Even though we are facing homelessness and I don’t know how I’m going to put food on the table I still have faith Jesus will carry me through. God will provide for me and my children.

  2. You just dont understand what happened sir at all anyone with basic message understanding would know the reason Gods prophet william branham said it was romanism it lined up with the bible perfectly. Also you should listen to a full tape rather than just disect a specific quote and interpret it.

  3. One of the things I hate most about the so-called "end-time message" was there always had to be a bogey-man, something to be afraid of. They control people with fear. If it's not communism is Romanism and if it's not Romanism it's communism. The country being invaded by Russia, concentration camps–were they supposed to be in Alaska??–that the government was going to put all the believers. California falling into the ocean, tsunamis that would reach Kentucky. ALWAYS!!! They never let up on it!! And then, after preaching about all that, they would say and if any of this, that is all part of God's plan scares you, then you don't have the Spirit of God!" So they scare you, then they tell you if you are scared by what they just said you don't have the Spirit of God, so I guess that means I won't get raptured and so I'll be here for the Tribulation, too. You couldn't win in that cult. Like all cults. Just like every single one. It's no different. It's just another cult that ruins people's lives.

  4. Frankly, my brother, you may say whatever scared you but the truth is to e the message of William Branham became the solution to my whole complicated life and gave me all answers I sought throughout my life. I'll hold unto it as much as I live.

  5. I'm Concerned and convinced the message is the best thing i ever got by God's grace. I wonder how Abraham waited for Isaac for those years, that is why Jesus asked, "….when the son of Man come will he find faith "…. This message needs faith

  6. Any Word against the Holy spirit shall not be forgiven, either in this world or the world to come. His prophesies never failed, just a matter of time. If they Don't work for you, they do a whole lot for me. Come on Board brother.

  7. My brother you look so decent, why have you allowed the devil to deteriorate you to this extend? If you do not believe why not just leave it alone instead of sending many souls to hell? You are deceived bro. May God have mercy on your poor soul.

  8. The moment I saw that John Todd believed William Branham to be the only pastor so far who was genuine was when I knew he was most likely a true prophet of God. Since anyone whose dabbled in the dark would know more of what light is then one's who've never witnessed both.

  9. William Branham was a prophet of God. He may have had problems like men do but the biggest problem now are not the true believers but the denomination and cult that followed. This does not make William Branham wrong. Where there is truth, the devil is ragging.

  10. You know the wicked one always tries to put God in history and you'll remain in the past, if you look at anything with an eye of a critic you'll find something. In as much as Jesus did all good things; Pharisees never said a word for Him but they claimed we're Abraham's sons yet they were snakes in the grass. WILLIAM BRANHAM was and is a mighty Prophet indeed. Prophets are judged by God not by man.

  11. 29 The messenger of the evening time is called William Marrion Branham and none of his three names is mentioned in the Bible but he did not try to change or to take another name, whereas Branhamists have gone so far that you can now see them with new names! It is exactly the same demon that used to shake Mohammad down there and which is visiting evangelicals now. And one day, all will sit down on the same bench! It’s paganism! We are only based on the evening Message but we are at midnight! And the evening Message is a mere foundation for us. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

    30 William Branham said in the preaching entitled “And knoweth it not” preached on August 15, 1965, ref. 94: “I'm only building. The hour's close at hand when you're going to see something happen, when something's going to take place and all this background here has only been laying a foundation for a short, quick message that'll shake the whole nation.” And today, that prophecy is fulfilled before you. A short Message is shaking the earth, visiting all races and languages of the earth and the elect rejoice and recognize themselves in this Message, because that was given to them from Heaven before the foundation of the world. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear!
    🇬🇧#Download: The app "Prophet Kacou Philippe (Official)" on Google and App store or or go to:

  12. I have my own experience with the Message and it's literally the best thing that happened in my life because the message is CHRIST. And once you've got your own experience with GOD nothing can talk you out of Christianity my friend. People who leave are people who did not have a true experience with CHRIST. Even if they claim they did. You will be strong enough in CHRIST that everything that anyone says even with scientific proof will not talk you out of the TRUTH you believe you have found. That is why we believe by FAITH not by proof,sight,or anything like that and JESUS said ''Blessed are those who hath believed without even seeing." My friend I love you and never force people to believe what I do (that's just nonsense and pressuring and wrong). We are Christians and supposed to be loving,kind and bring people to CHRIST by they way we are,act,present ourselves and share HIS WORD. We should be salty as the Bible says. I personally pray for anyone who doesn't have a relationship with CHRIST,because simply believing that HE exists is not enough. We should get personal with HIM because trust me He's a PERSONAL GOD. I personally talk with him everyday and am amazed of how he talks back to me through everything . I just feel amazing having GOD AS MY BEST-FRIEND AND THAT GOD IS JESUS ,my friend. And that's because I have my own personal experience with HIM. HE delivered me from addictions and I don't know what anxiety,depression,loneliness,sadness feels like because I HAVE A COMFORTER with me EVERYDAY. I hope you find HIM too and you'll stop asking for proofs etc. LOVE EVERYONE AND ABOVE ALL LOVE CHRIST. GOD BLESS MY FRIEND. 'YOU WILL FIND THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!-MY BESTFRIEND'S (JESUS) WORDS. AND I CAN SAY THAT I AM INDEED FREE TODAY. Even though I watch Muslims (I absolutely love the way their women dress because I dress the same modest way) or any other people believing other stuff I am not interested in even learning about their beliefs because I KNOW WHO I HAVE BELIEVED IN AND KNOW WHERE I STAND! YOU FEEL ME ? lol I JUST LOVE JESUS SO MUCH MY FRIEND. PRAYING FOR EVERYONE,THE END IS NEAR. Peace out!

  13. This guy desperately hates brother William Branham and once prove to the world how much hates spirit he got in his soul ,totally evil spirit. Brother Branham is not here to defend himself, and only thing you doing is proven you are a liar and idiot. I LOVE THE MESSAGE THAT GODS REVIEW TO HIS MESSENGER BRO . WILLIAM MARRIOM BRANHAM. SHALOM 🙏🏼

  14. One day in 1990 a guy told me the bible says "Ukraine's army will try kill Israel, but God will annihilate them." Of course the guy meant UKRAINE + RUSSIA, because both countries were together. The pastor of the church I was attending said "That's right" because we've always been taught to hate Russia and we still are being taught to hate Russia. It's just too bad that USA warmongers (Nuland) were able to turn Ukraine into the most corrupt country on earth, to provoke Russia, and now the poor taxpayers will be paying $trillions for more military spending, while poor Ukrainians will be in debt forever, if not dead forever. It's a big scam, like the pandemic where billionaires get rich, and poor people suffer.


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