The Truth and Power of Water Baptism ~ John G Lake

John G Lake preaches on something unique and important about water baptism that you have never heard! Watch the John G …


  1. Dead to sin. Because Jesus died, once to sin, and now lives to God. May we also live to God being raised up from death, pictured in the baptism and, in the OT at the Red Sea, when Israel became dead, cut off to Egypt.

  2. The Gospel was preached by St Peter on the day of Penticost..the birth of the CHURCH WAS ON THAT DAY, quote Acts 2 38 -39 He, Peter said, at the cry of the people, who were told they had crucified their Messiah, What must we do ??? Peter said, Repent, and be Baprised, EVERY ONE OF YOU, in the Name of
    THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, FOR THE Remission of sins, and You shall receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost and this PROMISE is to you and to your childrens, and to all as many as the Lord will call.
    See Romans 6 also.
    Jesus Name and His Blood here applied, is to REMOVE sins,
    take out the heart of stone and give the one, the heart of flesh. see Colossians 2

    There is no other name, under heaven, given among men by which we must be saved. Every baptism then recorded in the following chapters written in the Bible was in the Name of the Lord Jesus.. any other name is illegal. The titles of God, are NOT HIS NAME.
    ORIGINAL BAPTISM WAS NOT IN THE Father Son and Holy Spirit. That was bought in by Constatine in 325 ad. It was heresy not to use Jesus Name to the early church…
    REMISSION of sins, ONLY is achieved in the Name of Jesus. Hear the Word and Will of the LORD.

  3. Is water baptism just symbolic OR is it essential for our salvation journey?!

    OR what happens if you've never been baptized or even had the opportunity to?!


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