The Truth About A.A.Allen



  1. Bryen Delaurie is my name, and NONE of what I said in this video is hearsay because all of the information I've shared in this video has been documented and is online. The fake healings are also posted on You Tube. Think before you speak and accuse someone of spreading hearsay when you obviously don't know the facts about A.A.Allen yourself.

  2. there is nothing wrong with drinking it's not a sin…just just remember we sin everyday dats why we pray everyday forgiveness… you sound like you didn't do a very good research cuz he keeps stalling you slur and you're not too sure

  3. You could be right. But one helpful advice: if you have facts to speak about, it would be great to calm down emotionally. Or else, when any of that comes in, even a person who speaks the truth would be taken for a shallow speaker.

  4. LIARdon seems to be an obsession of yours. You do the slip up intentionally over and over. This spirit of provocation is an evident token of your spiritual state. Consider also: The gifts and calling of God are without repentance

  5. I believe they ALL start out SINCERE.I dont believe VERY MANY AT ALL start out trying to make money preaching.I am over 60 and have been on church staffs and saw the money.MOST preachers start out DIRT POOR.They are taking a chance if they start out doing it for money.He simply BACKSLID LIKE SO MANY OF US DO.NONE of are perfect.He backslid and fell into temptations and didnt come out of it before it was too late.When one gets famous there are a whole lot more seducing spirits out to stop them.

  6. I agree with you. However, I heard an interview with his son, Paul. He was talking about a woman who had been burned over 80 percent of her body was brought to one of his services. He said that his father had prayed for this woman and she was completely healed. He said that the service had been recorded, but the part that included her healing had not been included in the video. Why is it that the camera is never rolling when the real miracles occur? I think the whole story is a lie. That tells me that all of the oter miracles that are alleged to have occured in his ministry probably never did.

  7. It is so very interesting when satan finds some guy who can barely afford $29.00 a month to get with Spreaker and run his mouth because satan has whispered in his ear that he knows what he's talking about and EVERYONE will believe him regardless of what he says! I mean after all, he's on Spreaker right? Someone who NEVER met Brother Allen, has read a few pamphlets written by other geniuses who share his fantasy to bring a good God fearing man down that's the guy mumbling through this pitiful little episode. The world has reached a place in time where it's O.K., even encouraged to try to destroy anything that is good, fruitful and pure. You are not fit to wipe the dust from Brother Allen's shoes. Yet we are instructed to love our neighbors as Christ loved the Church, so the best thing I can do for you Mr. Blahhh……is to pray for you and ask that God storm into your life in such a way that you will see the truth and stop listening to that demon whispering into your ear. God Bless you, you lost sad and lonely little man

  8. Hey moron! Have you ever met A.A Allen? I doubt that you have. So, then, how can you vouch for his veracity? I don't think you thought it through very well when you decided to attack me and this message simply because you're one of Allen's sycophants. What proof do you have that what I'm saying about Allen is false, you idiot? You offered nothing in your asanine comment to prove me wrong. Then after putting me down because you assume that I can't afford my Spreaker account, you have the nerve to berate me for not walking in the love of God just because I exposed a charlatan. You also criticized my oratory skills. Well, then Teri, if you think you can do better, then why don't you put your money where your big fat, ungodly mouth is, and start a speaker account yourself and refute what I'm saying, you pathetic, ungodly, moron.You servant of Satan. It's real easy to hide behind a keyboard and a computer and attack somebody you don't know anything about.And. I'll bet you figured that I would never respond back to you because I'm a Christian, and that enbolded you even further. Here's a real challenge for you: Why don't you do the research on Allen, as I have, then debate me on the facts about him and his ministry. I guarantee you I will decimate you.

  9. Buford Dowell was his organist for years and said AAA was not alcoholic! Watching his videos, AAA was a man of power and not like one drunk. He did more for the kingdom than all the useless and powerless preachers in America!!

  10. It's all very well publishing a whole lot of unsubstantiated nonsense about A A Allen if you never personally knew the man or ever met Smith Wigglesworth or Jack Coe. In the 1960s I knew people who knew Smith Wigglesworth when he came to Wellington NZ, and what they told me makes what you are saying about him are just lies. These men are not here to defend themselves to refute the nonsense that you are saying about them. Remember that liars will not inherit the kingdom of God, and so it may really suck to be you in the final judgment when the secrets of men's hearts are reealed. If all you can contribute to the body of Christ are lies and nonsense about men who had ministries that brought thousands to Christ, and have nothing like the ministry they had then you are a sorry loser who can do nothing else than criticise those who did what you can't do.

  11. I wouldn’t walk in your shoes got ALL the money in the world. Even if he dies as you say he was still once a man used mightily by God and even David wouldn’t speak bad about Saul because of who he ONCE WAS …

  12. Sir you are not of God . Love covers sin. And you don’t have facts on Bro Allen and his children. I didn’t even finish listening to your spreading gossip on a man of God. You have a Spiritual problem.


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