The Trump Prophecy, some great family comedies, and much more. This is Christian Cinema Weekly.

The Trump Prophecy

Heaven Bound

Father, Son and Holy Moses

A Vow to Cherish

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:42:34. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I just want to say that because of the position of the Evangelical
    church. The idea that God can fix free agency would require he admit it
    flawed. The truth requires we take the free agency we were given and
    take responsibility for our actions so we can work to better who we are
    and how we live. The church cannot have it both ways, submit, obey, but
    you have free agency to decide it you will follow. What is that? I grew
    up in Southern Baptist Church’s when I was home and Pentecostal ones on
    the week end. I remember those times it was confusing. Now those same
    Evangelicals and Christians want to tell us 45 is a gift. A prophesied
    new Christ. Talk about mixed messages. I love God but I keep it to
    myself because when asked what I believe I am slammed with hate. I don’t
    know what the leaders of the Evangelicals think they are about but 45
    and Jerry Falwell Jr. are not a brag. For God so loved the world he gave
    us Donald Trump just doesn’t work for me. God did not tell us to be
    stupid. That’s why he put a brain in your head.
    Mathew 22: 37-40 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
    with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind
    This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto
    it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments
    hang all the law and the prophets.

  2. For false messiahs and false prophets (Trump~the chosen one) will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Christians).

    • @A Ghost Without a Past Totally agree with you That’s why I said on the only reason why I thought you said that was because of the news. Also I admitted to you that I don’t know what makes you believe that. Common sense is because I don’t know you right? Then I went on to say what others have said..Sorry really am that you took me wrong because i wasn’t being sarcastic or cocky to you in any way . Just asking what makes you believe that, that’s all. No big deal. Take care

    • Don’t be daft. This film is not intended for a general American audience. It’s intended for evangelical fundamentalist Protestant Christians, who comprise a decent portion of Trump’s voting base.

    • Totally False. Don’t know what makes you believe that. Could it be that you are watching the mainstream media and only seeing what a few people say. Like we are the greatest country on earth. I’ve heard people say that before even Trump. I’ve also heard other people from other countries say how lucky we are to have freedom from so many things it would take forever for me to list them. Or freedom of speech. I don’t feel that way. I do hear others like i said either the people who come here say how better it is. And in the comments I read from people in other countries say how they don’t have the same freedoms we do. But most people don’t go around saying that. Like I said before the mainstream media is everyone’s biggest enemy. People here who don’t like Trump say that we are laughed at around the World. Maybe some but other news stations show a different story. Same can be said with other news in different nations. Then you have like antifa people here who hate this country who are born and raised here so go figure

    • Before I make a judgement I need to review the evidence, I just heard a interview at Caravan to midnight and he sounded like a true believer to me. To the Law and the testimony of Jesus Christ we judge whether or not a person is a false prophet. So far his predictions have come true and speaks against Babylon and her coming judgement that is now here, he says. Get ready to witness a mass arrest in the Federal Government, and praise God for the Kingdom of heaven and the consummation of this age to usher in the Millennium.


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