The Timeless Thesis of God Part II – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Before the world, before light, before any creation at all … there was just God. When He spoke all things into existence, the Word …


  1. God smiling down as the darkness try’s to take over the world 🌎 no matter how much they try destroy can’t destroy something you didn’t create this Is God holy father universe he is king of kings lords of lords the devil has to ask God for permission before he can attack us Job and Peter were hedged about by the Lord—Satan couldn’t get to them without the Lord’s first removing a measure of His protection. We know that God cares for all of His children, so it is reasonable to assume that God has a measure of protection surrounding each of us. And we know that, ultimately, God controls everything in the universe, including Satan. “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).


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