We welcome you to our YouTube channel in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The video you are watching is titled โ€œTHE THIRD โ€ฆ


  1. Thank you. Actually there are Three dangerous enemies of a True child of God. These are the Devil, the Corrupt Systems of this world and the Most Lethal of them is Flesh( inherited sinful nature from Adam dwelling in us. Apostle Paul said he Dies daily to the flesh. The flesh Must be Crucified on the cross. The Holy Spirit Help Me To Regulate the flesh and bring it under subjection. Thank you for a wonderful teaching movie.

  2. It's always difficult to accept our ignorance & admit that "SELF " is in fact our 1st enemy. That's why when we pray, we still recv attacks. We should be careful less we kill " our own being " Mercy Lord! ๐Ÿ™

  3. Simi is mannerless and she is not behaving like a Christian and she doesnot pray rightly and she harbour unforgiveness against those offended her that is her problem. May God continue to uphold and lifting you higher in Jesus name Amen โคโค


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