The Theory of Everything | Full Movie | Does God exist?

Does God exist? Does Science prove God’s existence or provide more reasons to doubt? Doug Holloway (David de Vos), a family …


  1. What a truly beautiful film, one of love, faith, kindness, and giving ❤ truly touched my heart and soul, thank you so very much for this blessed film 🙏 thru our beloved Lord Jesus Christ 🙏 amen 🙏

  2. Yes , God is exists ! He is with us ! Why we don’t see Him ! Because He is the whole Universe ! We are all blessed by Him ! But only the believers can feel His existence ! He is waiting for you to return back to Him and experience how much He loves you !

  3. please support true Christian teachings.
    The chosen has openly displayed homosexual imagery on their youtube page and have to date refused to take it down.
    Pray for Dallas and all involved to see the error in this but do not support this open mockery of Biblical truth.

  4. Everyone knows God exists. (Romans 1:20) "The fool has said in his heart There is no God. They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good. " (Psalm 14:1)

  5. "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find" Jesus

    It's quite simple, you have to ask to receive, from God that is, seek to find, from God, the answers to your questions!

    God is the infinite cord that connects "everything" the harmony of the universe, the Aura Borealis, the answer to the "Theory of Everything!

    The mind is knowledge, the heart feeling, the soul is the connection to God, the thread that binds creation to the Creator. Theories relate to mundane reality of space/time/matter/velocity, the 4 dimensions of empirical knowledge! They are the limits of human knowledge without God. In human creativity theories are vain attempts to quantify, contain, everything to provable physical/casual boundaries knowable by cognitive functions! Pure, perfect, knowledge exists beyond time and space is only knowable by God! To know God is to know this in your soul which governs the mind, emotions, body, conscious/ unconscious reality! When the soul is corrupted the connection to God is blocked, potentially perpetually severed.

    The sins of the parents are visited upon the children for 3-4 generations or longer! To alter the genetic strain requires a pure connection to God which most souls are unwilling to sustain because the vibration is far beyond the world of human reason, unquantifiable, ineffable, in anthropomorphic linguistics. God's universe begins where physics and chemistry end. To travel in that dimension requires a guide directly related to infinity: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angelic forms, divine beings, who exist in God's presence. To procure a direct relation to a divine being requires intention, faith, discipline, most importantly love of God, love of souls whom God has created, beginning as a small child ideally, maintaining that status throughout life, as we must each be as a child, innocent, made perfect, to exist with God eternally. That which corrupts the soul must be permanently discarded to be in the Living Presence of God for everlasting according to God's will instead of human "free will!" Let us pray continually, Lord thy will be done, not mine! For there is the key to the Kingdom of God, if we comply! Amen!

  6. HUGE! "Physical" attraction. That has NOTHING on LOVE. LOVE is NOT PHYSICAL – the physical is lust, ugly,! Deal with it – WE are not from physical, WE are from Spirit, the Spirit of Love.💝💯

  7. Great film. I can’t say enough about how the film’s producers actually researched the Standard Model of particle physics. It was produced 6 years prior to the discovery of the Higgs Boson, yet it is talked about in reference to completing his search to complete the actual Theory of Everything. As a Christian who loves studying particle physics, I am very thankful that this film was made. As scientists delve deeper into quantum realm, the more incredible and mind boggling the findings become. For me, The Standard Model is a way to express the inner workings of God’s design. What goes on in the quantum world defies what we see with our eyes every day, or as scientists would say Classical Physics. It’s a whole new world that challenges our understanding of the universe.

  8. Thanks for sharing, though Romans 10:9 says that "if we profess with our mouth Jesus Christ is Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved", forgot the last part in movie and what about the part in the prayer to say in the name of Jesus Christ than amen.. Umm… not good.


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