The Ten Commandments | Dwight L Moody | Free Christian Audiobook

Audiobook Description ~ The ten commandments are not popular today. Atheists want them nowhere in sight. Many Christians …


  1. Our creator God sanctified & blessed the 7 th day & then commanded us to rest on the Sabbath from our work, etc. Who is any human to change the day of rest, from the day that God said we r to keep?

    The Sabbath is from Friday sunset to Saturday sun down…. The evening & the morning were the 1st day…. 2nd day etc….

    Moses missed entering the promised Land, because he hit the rock, rather than spoke to it , as God told him to do… We r to obey God's Word… Not change , add or take away, even a jot or title !!!

    The Bible is man's instruction manual….we r to follow this instruction manual, not change it to suit our preference nor for our convenience etc.

    Imagine trying to change the instruction manual of any items… What would happen?

  2. Until we actually know and understand the Name Yehovah and that it comes from the wall form of the verb of existence simply said means He who was, Is And will be the self existent One, and to teach your own soperstitions and presumptions of taking his name in vain could go into the cat agora of taking it in vain, because the word vain means to make it worthless or meaningless. Also swearing in its self is not a sin we are always in a place of being sworn in by serving him. The sin is you shall not share falsely nor have levels of justification for swearing falsely. This why Yeshua said do not swear falsely by using lesser objects of holiness such as by the altar or by the gift of the Altar. The Pharisees were teaching that you can swear falsely if you invoke something less then the Holy things of the Temple, and Yeshua said don’t swear at all falsely even though the Greek texts say do not swear at all, the Hebrew gospel of Matthew says do not swear at all falsely and this is consistent with what the Prophets taught. They were teaching that treat your word in everything you do and say even in your regular worldly business, never swear falsely in any situation that you are in, by letting your Yes Be Yes and Your no be No; because Yehovah gives grace to those who learn to walk a Holy walk in all we do.

  3. I had no idea that Moody was Torah observant, except for the true keeping of the true Sabbath, along with some other small things, but will become huge issues during the Time of the great tribulation, because the Beast system will make laws that cause us to break at least one of the Ten Commandments, will be during a time when the actual Tablets that Moses brought down from Sinai written by the finger of Yehovah, will come out into the open in the last seven years of the great tribulation as a testimony and true witness that Yeshua never changed or destroyed also the Ark of the covenant will be revealed also on a future day of Atonement when Yeshua the Messiah will confirm the covenant spoken by Daniel the prophet, which has nothing to do with Antichrist, for the man of sin must stand before the Ark 31/2 years after the confirmation, during the time of Passover, and by the way the believers will not be raptured until the last Day of Trumpets at the last Trump, seven years after the confirmation and 3 1/2 years after the man of sin on the Day of Trumpets

  4. I'm not understanding why you're calling the Sabbath sunday that was changed by Constantine because he changed God's original Sabbath that falls from Friday evening sunset to Saturday Day evening sunset and tried to convert the sun worshipers that's why Church's worship on Sunday now,,, I go to a Sabbath keeping church and we hold our services on Saturday if you are following a Sunday worship in church you are wrong that is not God's fourth commandment that's all there is to it I like all the other things that are wrote and I can agree with them but God did not change the Sabbath Constantine changed it and then later the Roman Catholic Church changed it they said that was their Mark of authority you can literally Google that the Sabbath is from Friday evening sunset to Saturday evening sunset and that's how it has always been since the book of Genesis the problem with most people is there too afraid of offending their friends and the rest of their church members just so you know what we're not keeping the Sabbath like we should these same people won't stand up against other people when the time for the mark of the beast comes up if you can't do it to people who are supposed to love you and worship with you around you you're sure not going to do it when people want to kill you and ridicule you you're going to give in absolutely you should really pray about this if you go to a Sunday worship in church and ask the Lord for discernment and answers to when and if you should actually be keeping the Sabbath like he said or like mankind says remember God says in Matthew 15 9 you you worship me in vain because you follow to the doctrines of men so think about it this way if the Bible tells you to do it one way and you're not and you're doing it because your pastor and your church tells you to do it another way you are the fulfillment of Matthew 15:9 so you might as well stop worshipping cuz he tells you it's in vain

  5. I think it’s silly to suggest a person isn’t a Christian who sins. This book says that if you break a commandment then you aren’t a real Christian. LOL. I’m not even a self proclaimed Christian myself and I know how erroneous that is.

  6. Amen. Glory and Honour be to the Lord God Almighty! Yeshuah Messiach. I love the 10 Commandments and all the podcasts. They help me keep me rooted in God’s Word. Thank you for downloading.

  7. Look I love Master Moody and this new Millenia we can learn a lot from something that was wrote 150 years ago. But he stated after Israel left Babylon they turn to no other gods that's not exactly right. This is where the Kabbalah the ancient Jewish religion of Kabbalah is satanic stuff they learned in Babylon this is what are the star of so-called David came from it's a hexagram one of the oldest known satanic emblems in the world long before Israel as a nation. And if you think God put a satanic symbol over his chosen people even though they are turned away from his agenda and seek their own and Rome they said crucify him we have no God but Caesar, they curse themselves even today they deny Christ don't believe me look up the hexagram and see what you come up with whoever put this audiobook out thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

  8. Why would you alter the book to change the scripture passages from KJV? This is not the book Moody wrote after all those changes have been made, nor is it a book he would have wanted his name attached to.


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