God bless you Yevgeny Rodionav. Never forget. #god #christian #jesus #jesuschrist #christisking.


  1. He obviously didn't appreciate the glorious gift God had given him. He could have easily put down the cross in the material world and kept it in his heart. He would then still be alive to enjoy this miraculous life and continue to give praise to his God

  2. One false belief ends the life of another false belief! Life is full of all kinds. Religious indoctrination has ended 10's of millions of lives. When the belief in a god dies, then the carnage will end. RIP to the young man. If he understood that god is a myth he would be alive!

  3. That happens about 1 million times a year, across Africa and the Middle East. …or at least it did until the mass media got too scared of Islam to keep reporting the atrocities. It's probably up to 1.5 million a year by now.

  4. All i can think of is being in a situation with a gun to your head saying to deny Christ. I hope i would be praying to God in that moment accepting my fate and instead of denying, i would be saying, “I’ll be seeing you very soon Lord.” Amen

  5. The Quran mentions Jesus 93 times in the Quran and Muhammad only 4 times and Mecca only 1 time and claims Moses, Abraham and other Jewish prophets as being Muslims even though Islam wasn't a religion until Muhammad around 610CE was in a cave by himself with no witnesses around to see him being visited by the angel Jabriel and was told he was the prophet of Allah and they want Christians to Denounce Jesus and Christianity as our religion when the Quran is full of Jewish prophets along with Jesus in it who never knew Muhammad


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