The bride, should surely know that the rapture is almost here. And they must obey, what Christ, our Joseph is telling us. Is to press play, is the perfect will of God. As the voice of God said, he'll increase and I'll decrease won't be two of us here at the same time. Christ, our Joseph as increased. He is the only one the voice of God introduced. God said, you'll have a son call his name Joseph. That's the word of God for our day.
Amen Amen,what a joy to hear my prophet warning us to live a Christian life ,The church is about to go away, there is nothing that can stop the Rapture .Ooooh my I'm homesick to meet my saviour.
Hear His Voice | William Branham
Amen?.. Very true..
The bride, should surely know that the rapture is almost here. And they must obey, what Christ, our Joseph is telling us. Is to press play, is the perfect will of God. As the voice of God said, he'll increase and I'll decrease won't be two of us here at the same time. Christ, our Joseph as increased. He is the only one the voice of God introduced. God said, you'll have a son call his name Joseph. That's the word of God for our day.
May LORD JESUS CHRIST take me with HIM.
Please fill me with thine HOLY SPIRIT oh! LORD.
God bless u
Amen and amen
Glory to God
Hallelujah amen
forgive me lord
Glory hallelujah praise Jesus Christ amen ?
Thank you ???.. From Philippines
Can I find the translated sermons of William Branham
branham teachings is God word
Glory to lord. Amen and Amen
Amen Amen,what a joy to hear my prophet warning us to live a Christian life ,The church is about to go away, there is nothing that can stop the Rapture .Ooooh my I'm homesick to meet my saviour.
awaken me oh Lord
William Branham a Godly Man of Almighty GOD,
Thank You, and Thank You
Heavenly Father, Son & Holy Spirit.
You Lord GOD Forever.
Bless my soul thank you Lord
help us Lord to be formed into the word image of the stature of the fullness of Christ