Young entreprenuer, investor & real estate developer helps humanity. She credits her phenomenal success to listening to the …


  1. CBN keeps putting up these tithing propaganda videos. Where are the videos about God rewarding people for giving to the poor? Strange, how tithing is a big priority and charity is not.

    Tithing is Jewish law. We are not under the law. Gentiles were never required to tithe, and neither were Jews living outside of Israel. Tithes were not monetary. They were things like crops.

    Preachers love to tell us we're not under the law. Feel-good Christians lap it up. They listen to people like Joel Osteen, and they fall for "Once saved, always saved." They smoke dope, live with their boyfriends and girlfriends, and have illegitimate kids, thinking everything is fine. On the other hand, preachers insist there is ONE Jewish law that applies to us: the law of the tithe. Why? Because they want to put us in harness so we give them financial security.

    Saying we are not under the law and then commanding us to tithe is hypocrisy.

    We are supposed to be under the law of the Holy Spirit now. That means sanctification and repentance, but it also means we are not bound by rigid old covenant laws. We are supposed to give as the Holy Spirit leads, not as Moses instructed the Jews, who were not then capable of receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

    Paul said that if you choose to be under the law, you have to obey all of it. The Jewish law is extremely complicated, and the Mammon preachers who claim to teach the law of tithing are ignoramuses who know little about it. They only tell us the parts that help them get our money. They make things up, too. They tell us we can tithe our way out of debt. The Jewish law actually says a debtor is not allowed to tithe. A tither who owes money is robbing man to pay God.

    You can always find a few cherry-picked tithers who are affluent, but tithers and people who give ridiculous prosperity offerings generally don't benefit financially. We all know tithers and prosperity-gospel victims who have lost their jobs and gone broke. Malachi 3 is not for Christians. If it were, there would be a huge wave of rich Christians by now, and it hasn't materialized.

    I used to fall for the prosperity shtick, and everything I did seemed to be cursed. When I stopped tithing and giving prosperity offerings, God made me rich in a few short years, gave me a magnificent house on a beautiful farm, and brought me a beautiful godly wife who has visions and prophetic dreams. I didn't work for these things. They just came.

    My sister, on the other hand, supported human tapeworms like Kenneth Copeland. She lost her house, her professional license, her inheritance, and even her civil rights. She was convicted of a felony. She was ejected from Christian drug rehab and had to move to a shelter. I ended up with the house and inheritance even though I prayed for God to help her keep everything. She is in government housing now.

    The whole time this was going on, I was going to Facebook and criticizing the prosperity pimps, and people told me God would get me! None of them became wealthy during this time. After calling me out and claiming God was judging me, my then-pastor went to prison for raping his very underage niece over and over. His wife, who had come to hate me, died from a brain tumor between his conviction and sentencing. The prosperity preacher I served before that, and who also came to hate me, has diabetes, artificial knees, a rare blood disease, terrible back problems, kidney stones that have required painful treatment, and some kind of weird stones in his chest that had to be cut out. He got a hair restoration operation, and he had to stay in the hospital because the flap wouldn't take.

    I have a friend with 5 kids. He and his wife struggled financially until they quit tithing and abandoned the prosperity gospel. Since then, things have gotten a great deal better. When he quit tithing, he noticed the difference right away and told me about it.

    God loves giving, and we have to do it, but we are supposed to give to the poor, not the rich. Buying jets for two-legged pigs in flashy suits is not pleasing to God.

    God promises blessings here on Earth for those who look after the poor. See Psalm 41. Trying to buy prosperity from God with wasteful offerings to filthy preachers swimming in other people's money will only bring you curses.

  2. TAX

    All religious sites, and 'religious' persons, which comment on anything NON-religious, ie governmental

    MUST be liable to TAXATION and audit !


    Religions should lose their tax-exempt status:

  3. Where in the Bible does it say that Christians have to tide? And where does it say that tidings are money?
    Nowhere! It’s something invented by preachers to make people give them their money.


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