promisebalogun #pcmfilms #thestorm #theexchange #campusfellowship #evomchannel #damilolabamiloye #fejosbabatv …


  1. God bless you MOG for this great revelation. It is an eye opener to all believers, we should learn not to complain in the place of prayers. More increase, grace and anointing in Jesus victorious name.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. I was really blessed with this movies and others. Thanks

  2. It can be more devastating during storms especially when fellow brethren who are supposed to stand in the gap for you are the same calling you names behind your back and yet pretend to be interceding for you.From this I have been reminded that inasmuch as you seek spiritual help from fellow brethren to stand in the gap,you should be the first to keep standing.

  3. Dear brother ooo, this is a very VERY. serious message you have shared in this film. We are not sideliners, and Yahweh has given us authority to overcome all the power of the enemy, along with armor and spiritual weapons.

    When we are alerted (and we are alerted) that something has happened/is happening in spiritual or physical realm, there is action to take. Delay, ignorance, etc. Is NOT advised. We resist the devil ALWAYS!!! Yahweh's continued blessings to you, your family and ministry in the mighty name of Yeshua, amen🙏🏼

  4. But I don't find it in the Bible that Christians are capable of making Angels sleep. 🤷 That Angel part doesn't look Biblical to me. It just looks like entertainment.

  5. I'm really bless with this ministration, and also I thank God for the life of the pastor to stood by them and encourage them, it really show the good impact of a good pastor in a time of Storm, God bless his ministry, higher level in Jesus name.

  6. When the storms of life are ranging stand by me, when the world is tossing me like ship upon the sea thou who ruleth wind and water stand by me, is the prayers that can keep us from the storms for it is sure the storm will come He who is with you in your life boat dictate the results in your life situations

  7. Great storyline. The only thing I’d say is we should be careful not to communicate directly to angels. This is what a lot of fake pastors have been doing, thereby using fallen angels. We should only speak to God through Jesus Christ our Lord, asking Him to send His angels to help us or be with us. Blessings!

  8. Jesus thank you Jesus “ You are the Living God O there is no one like You. 🙏🏽 My Prayers were answered, My Angel appeared I Glorify Your Precious Name.


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