1. What a letdown!! First trailer I'd ever seen of this movie was the one where Kevin and The Benefactor first meet, and I was under the assumption TB was an angel! Now I gotta watch this movie and see what it's about, lol.

  2. This was just like my dream where this witch was sitting next to me and told me if i didn’t play their game they would curse me, after i prayed while sitting next to this person, i looked to my right and this person was gone

  3. Sorry folks, but this movie , based loosely on the Book of Job, is not Biblical, even though it has been marketed as "Christian".
    Angel Studios is owned by Mormons. Neal McDonough is a Roman Catholic.

    If you want to know about Satan, and his tricks, read the (Protestant) Bible for yourself so that you can protect yourself from him.

    James 4:7….."Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (KJV)


  4. I got to watch this movie. I really like the fact that it's a cool Christian science fiction movie with some interesting concepts from Hugh Everett the third who came up with the many worlds theory of quantum physics. I know from one of the clips that that was mentioned and it also makes one think that if the Lord God wanted to make a universe with a transfinite number of alternate realities that one individual could actually be in, well then of course that's the way it's going to be just because people 2,000 years ago couldn't conceive that will the not the reason why some of these ideas were not really thought of back then. Or unless I'm wrong of course…..


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