The Secrets of John Alexander Dowie's Power

Secrets of Their Success Series- John Alexander Dowie In this episode we look at what made this nobody who had emigrated to …


  1. It's good to know about Dowie. He was a great man of God despite his weaknesses. Human weaknesses just show that we can b a great man/woman of God but we are not God!! That is why I think men fail n it's unavoidable!!

  2. On the front walls of the church Dowie built in Zion was a big S and P (stood for "stink pot") made with smoking pipes. Crutches hung on walls, etc. I saw pictures. My Grandpa laughed about the SP. The Leaves of Healing continued for 100 years as a newsletter.

  3. An anointed woman of God in Tuscaloosa Alabama in 1983 spoke three words of prophecy over me. One of the words was, she saw me being healed. I herniated a disk my lower back in the mid 80's and it deteriorated to bone on bone vertebrae that didn't totally incapacitate me but from time to time it caused me much pain and sleepless nights. In April of 2013 during some times of repentance and trials and testing Jesus healed my back and I've been working many jobs that require hard labor and heavy lifting since then with no pain. At 57 years old I'm in the best shape and fitness level of my life. The Lord has led me to start a high intensity interval training on the tread mill recently. I am waiting on the Lord, I am mounting up with wings of eagles, I am running and not fainting, walking and not wearying. I am offering my body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is my reasonable service. Amen

  4. KEYPOINTS (31ST MAY,2019). From Jos, Nigeria.

    Secrets of the power of John Alexander Dowie.
    1. Identified with Pentecostalism.
    2. He produced people like John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesmith.
    3. From Australia and ended in America (Chicago) then Michigan avenue.
    4. Was greatly persecuted.
    5. He turned from a failure to the apostle of healing.
    6. His prayer life was powerful. Not entertainment kind of prayer. But. A desperation kind of prayer. He used to be deep in prayer. Paul in Phillipians 3 says he wants to know God. He spent a lot of time with God.
    7. He built a city but because he lacked the intimacy with God then. He then began to deviate. He began to dry up.
    Jesus would forsake sleep and food for that fellowship with God.
    8. His ministry had phenomenal success inspirt of persecution especially from the medical community which came out to attack him. He was imprisoned for practicing medicine without a licence. He won because he had the presence of God.
    9. He lost the anointing later.
    10. He got revelation from God. He went to fully step into the healing ministry around 1882.
    11. We must get personal revelation not someone's revelation. He hated sickness.
    12. He began to attack people later in his preaching.
    13. He was incredible with persecution. He saw it as a badge of honour. He believed the enemy was suffering. He refused to bow to persecution. He became louder because the press persecuted him and that made him louder. People began to listen to him. Many were dramatically healed.
    He used persecution as a platform to be louder and bolder for Jesus.
    14. He lost everything at the end because the presence of God left him.
    15. He preached Salvation and he believed healing was part of salvation. He lost the burden for evangelism which made him derail later when he began to concentrate on building zions all over the places.
    16. He drew people because of the relationship he had with God. He saw results. People recognized that.
    17. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Keep focused.

  5. Thank you. Mr. Pears for this information. I just happen to be on YouTube and I saw John Alexander Dowie's name. I was actually born in Zion, IL, at Zion Hospital in '69 (which is now a cancer treatment center). I remember that hotel Dowie had his services at before it was torn down. I was curious some 20 years ago about why the street names were named after Biblical names, the parks, the layout of the city, and about this huge, red house that was on corner of Shiloh Blvd. and Elisha Ave. that was a historical site. I decided to go to the local library which had tons of records there about Zion's history and copies of important documents relating to what you were describing.

  6. You should have talked about his death also and how he died. He entered into a prayer duel with a man called Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian India who claimed to be the Promised Missiah. And he Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadian won the prayer duel as Alexander Dowie died within the time Mirza Ghulam Ahmad predicted Dowie will die.

  7. Omg, pastor pears, you are such a blessing to the Body of Christ. Great Sharing, and may we as Believers in Jesus, never forget that we are the branches and He us the Vune. And without Him, we can do nothing, nothing, Absolutely nothing!!!

  8. Robert Pears is a false teacher. Please do some research people. John A. Dowie was a fraud entirely. My grandfather was one of the original residents and attended Dowies church. Dowie died in shame and he was also a false teacher. Do you want to please God? Do what he says. Repent and be holy and turn to Jesus alone. Stop sinning by chasing prosperity and healing power or annointing. Check out John MacArthur instead of Robert Pears.

  9. Contest with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

    Dowie is of particular significance to the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam due to a well-publicized contest that took place in the early 1900s between himself and the movement's founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908). Dowie had claimed to be the forerunner of Christ's second coming and was particularly hostile towards Islam, which he believed Christ would destroy upon his return.[28] In northern India, Ahmad had claimed to be the coming of Christ in the spirit as well as the promised Mahdi of Islam, who would usher in the final victory of Islam on earth. In 1902, Ahmad invited Dowie to a contest, proposing a "prayer duel" between the two in which both would pray to God that whichever of them was false in his prophetic claim die within the lifetime of the truthful.The challenge attracted some media attention in the United States and was advertised by a number of American newspapers at the time which portrayed the contest as one between two eccentric religious figures.Dowie, however, dismissed the challenge.Ahmad reissued it the following year adding a unilateral death prophecy.Dowie died in March 1907 and Ahmad in May 1908.

  10. The secret of Alexander Dowie was that he knew that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lived in him.Romans 8:11.He knew who he was in Christ. Our faith becomes effective by acknowledging every good thing that we have in Christ Jesus Philemon 1:6. . He knew who he was in Christ Jesus. Salvation is nothing of ourselves but a total work of the Holy us It’s no longer I that live but Christ Jesus lives in me. Galatians 2:20.

  11. How God anointed John Alexander Dowie with the Holy Spirit and with power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil because God was with him. Acts 10:38. As the Father sent out the Lord Jesus so also I (Jesus) send out you. . Jesus said wait in Jerusalem until you are endowed with the power of the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit was poured out on Pentecost. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and became temples of the Holy Spirit.We now who are Spirit filled believers have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now alive in us. Romans 8:11. In Acts 2:38 that we have the keys of the kingdom of God.. Repentance from sin and turning to Jesus ,being baptized into Christ Jesus for the remission of sins and being filled with the Holy Spirit

  12. I heard Lester Sumrall saying to Billy Graham in an interview .. “I love that you have never changed your message.”
    Billy Graham’s message was the same anointed message he started with… he preached the same for his entire ministry. I appreciate deeply how John A.Dowie’s ministry has blessed us. But it’s so important to Stick to The message God gives us .. that’s where we are anointed.

  13. Roberts Liardon has done has done a tremendous amount of research and has been faithful in the commission the lord gave him concerning God's Generals and he is really the one who pioneered this interest .I for one is grateful for his research

  14. Voliva's letter to Dowie while Dowie was vacationing in Mexico:
    "Practically all, including Cincinnati's reports, indorse Voliva's administration, Speicher’s reinstatement, Grainger's retention, emphatically protesting against your extravagance, hypocrisy, misrepresentations, exaggerations, tyranny and Injustice. You are hereby suspended from office and membership for polygamous teaching and other grave charges. Quietly retire. Further interference will precipitate complete exposure, rebellion, and legal proceedings. Your statement of stupendously magnificent financial outlook is extremely foolish in view of thousands suffering through your shameful mismanagement. Zion and creditors will be protected at all costs."

  15. It was not God that protected Dowie as Mr. Pears would have you all believe, but rather Dowie's cronies.
    Chicago, May 25. [1901] – John Alexander Dowie assisted
    by his faithful “Zion” guards, successfully eluded arrest yesterday morning and
    escaped service of the coroner’s mittimus. Surrounded by his guards he walked
    into the criminal court building and reached Judge Tuley’s court before alert
    and watchful coroner’s sleuths were able to secure service of the mittimus and
    place him formally under arrest, although they were very much alert in the


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