The Secrets Of How A A Allen Walked With Miracle Working Power In this episode we look A. A. Allen who had a powerful …


  1. Allen was murdered by the Christian Mafia. A certain denomination paid a Doctor 10000 dollarsto kill him. Injected him with alcohol and lie on his death certificate. The Dr. confessed it to Allen family on his death bed and had the copy of the check for 10 grand as proof to Allen’s family. The Grand daughter of Allen has the check with the Denomination that wrote it on the check. Allen was a righteous preacher of Gods word and was not a drunk. I heard him say he had 10000 enemy’s one time. Funny that they paid the Dr. 10000 to kill him. The same Day I heard him say about his enemy’s I heard about the Dr. paid to kill him. Confirmation. They hated him for telling the Church’s are dead and have no power. God used him for his obedience. Bunch of Devil Pastors, I know many of them. They hate you for being used as a vessel of God. Curse these Apostate Church’s and all the Apostate Pastors to the pit. Amen.

  2. It's so sad about aa Allen he turn to alcohol before he died I am a alcoholic myself but aa Allen was a man of God wish he had not turn to alcohol in his last days but I understand it alcohol is a sickness.

  3. AA Allen is a man of God. He worked hard and healed many who came to him.Many was angered by his ministry and wanted to destroy him. He was murdered and they claimed he died of alcoholism.
    Know the truth and the truth will set you free !

  4. I was in a
    Strict catholic monastic setting during my seminary era
    Prior to seminary Iwas involved in the charismatic movement here on nyc. Bro schambach influenced me greatly. You give a great teaching —formation in Czhri

  5. There is strong evidence that a
    Allen was poisoned… A gentlemen I know of did extensive research and interviews… Allen would stop at a local diner to get a glass of milk every night before the meeting in the area… The night of his death, he became ill after stopping for the milk, but chose to have the meeting anyway…. He died later that night. Anyone who has studied the occult would know 11 is a master number… A power number… The death of a powerful Christian would also bring great rewards… So… It is my belief after examining certain circumstantial evidence, that Mr. Allen was murdered.

  6. I remember bro schambach spoke so well of Rev AA ALLEN. It is so nice that you present these wonderfull preachers so well! Anyone or any place where Bro Allen's sermons are archived? Your words are so meaningful. Just a side note..I did spend time in a RC seminary..quite monastic!!!! I was involved in the charismatic Renewal very deeply and contact with AG church…well AT+T came along in 1978.. been an outdoor preacher all this time.

  7. Brother Allen was hated for many reasons but his health was destroyed as a child due to alcoholic parents who would give their children alcohol to drink routinely and also his mother was responsible for him becoming a smoker. I can clearly remember his testimony regarding this and how he came to saving grace, and overcame his addictions. If there was cirrhosis as they claimed it easily could have been due to the damage done to his liver as a child. I dont discredit the likelihood of poisoning

  8. Please know that in the recent publications of AA ALLEN told of his death being through alcoholism but this was incorrect. The Doctor who signed his death certificate confessed on his deathbed that he had been paid $10 000 to sign it after he was murdered. Please refer to Pastor Joe Sweet for these facts after befriending Allen's grand daughter who still has a copy of the $10 000 check

  9. Enjoyed this I listened God spoke to my heart. He said to live in Christ is to die in Christ. To live in Christ is to die in Christ.
    This was repeated over & over & over again to me.
    I have known about A A Allen's ministry since 1979 when God saved me. My Evangelist Dorothy E. Baker introduced his works, faith, and demonstration of power. We sing all his songs that were sung by Gene Martin.
    I loved hearing your message and pray God keep you, in Jesus's name. Amen


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